London 1746 Rocques map

Labour in Vain, 26 George street, York

York pub history index

Named in 1841 as the Labour in Vain and therefore existed from about 1841. A later pub on the site is possibly the Phoenix Inn.

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Yorkshire.

Residents at this address

1840, Labour-in-vain, Ann Jolly, 1 George Street

In 1841 at George Street, St George, York, Yorkshire
Ann Jolly, Publican, aged 55 and born in Yorkshire
Richard Pemberton, Glass Cutter, aged 25 and born in Yorkshire
Caroline Pemberton, aged 20 and born in Yorkshire
John Pemberton, aged 8 months and born in Yorkshire
Mary Routledge, Female Servant, aged 13 and born in Yorkshire

1851 Whites, Labour-in-Vain, A. Jolly, 26 George street

In 1851 at 26 George Street, St George, York
Ann Jolly, Licensed victualler, Widow aged 64 and born in Knottingley, Yorkshire
Elizabeth Rogerson, House servant aged 13 and born in York, Yorkshire

And Last updated on: Sunday, 01-Sep-2024 16:41:34 BST