London 1746 Rocques map

Wheat Sheaf, 10 Castlegate, York

York pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Yorkshire.

Residents at this address

1823 Baines, Wheat Sheaf, John Cartwright, Castlegate

1829 Pigots, Wheat Sheaf, John Cartwright, 10 Castle gate

1840, Wheat Sheaf, John Mintoff, 10 Castlegate

1851, Wheat Sheaf, G. Mintoft, 10 Castlegate

In 1851 at 10 Castlegate, St Mary Castlegate, York
George Mintoft, Inn keeper, aged 36 and born in York, Yorkshire
Eliza Mintoft, Wife, aged 31 and born in York, Yorkshire
John Mintoft, Son, aged 9 and born in York, Yorkshire
Elizabeth Mintoft, Daughter, aged 7 and born in York, Yorkshire
Richard Mintoft, Son, aged 5 and born in York, Yorkshire
George Mintoft, Son, aged 2 and born in York, Yorkshire
Henry Mintoft, Son, aged 4 months and born in York, Yorkshire
William Craven, Lodger, Labourer, aged 21 and born in Yorkshire
Mary Close, Servant, aged 13 and born in York, Yorkshire
Thomas Hewison, Ostler, aged 26 and born in Yorkshire

And Last updated on: Sunday, 01-Sep-2024 12:10:12 BST