London 1746 Rocques map

Wheat Sheaf, 18 Davygate, York

York pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Yorkshire.

Residents at this address

1823 Baines, Wheat Sheaf, James Skelton, Davygate

1829 Pigots, Wheat Sheaf, James Skelton, Davygate

Yorkshire Gazette. 04 January 1834
Mr William Dix, publican of Davygate, and Mr William Armitage, keeper of the George Inn tap, were both witnesses to an assault by a Mr Parsons who whipped a boy, Edward Barker Gowland in Coney street.

1840, Wheat Sheaf, William Dix, 19 Davygate

In 1841 at Davygate
William Dix, Publican, aged 40
Mary Dix, aged 40 and born in Yorkshire
John Dix, aged 7 and born in Yorkshire
Prudence Dix, aged 10 and born in Yorkshire
Hannah Moore, Female Servant aged 20 and born in Yorkshire

Yorkshire Gazette. 06 January 1844
Death - on Tuesday, the 2nd instance after a long and tedious illness, aged 45, Mary, relict of Mr William Dix, of the Wheat Sheaf, Davygate, in this city.

1851, Wheat Sheaf, P. Dix, 19 Davygate

1872, Wheat Sheaf Inn, William H. Briggs, 18 Davygate

1885, Wheatsheaf, Thomas Wade, 18 Davygate

1895, William Richardson, victualler, 18 Davygate

And Last updated on: Thursday, 05-Sep-2024 10:53:07 BST