Cherry Tree, Marsh end, Knottingley

Knottingley pub history index

Ann street at junction with Low lane, Knottingley

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Yorkshire.

Residents at this address

The Upper Osgoldcross Division 1899 to 1962 - includes Knottingley

Cherry Tree, Knottingley - owned by Carters Knottingley Brewery Co Ltd, Knottingley

West Riding Alehouse Licences has Emma Wrigley 1 July 1899

West Riding Alehouse Licences has Lucy Ratcliffe 23 June 1917

1927 Kellys directory - Mrs Lucy Ratcliffe, Cherry Tree, Marsh end, Knottingley

West Riding Alehouse Licences has Thomas Henry Baines 24 Sep 1932

In 1939 at Marsh end is
Thomas H Baines, Inn Keeper, born 22 May 1887
Harriet E Baines, Domestic Duties, born 24 Jan 1892 and
Arthur T Hodgson, Flint Glass Cottle Clover, born 14 May 1896

West Riding Alehouse Licences has Harriet Ellen Baines 16 Aug 1941

West Riding Alehouse Licences has Henry Adams 6 June 1942

West Riding Alehouse Licences : 24 Dec 1953 Two charges of supplying liquor in non permitted hours, fined £3 on each charge.

West Riding Alehouse Licences has Stanislaw Anthony Lennon 13 Aug 1955

West Riding Alehouse Licences has John Stewart Clarke 2 Feb 1957

West Riding Alehouse Licences has James Welsh Dunning 1 Mar 1958

West Riding Alehouse Licences has Norman Powell 13 Jun 1959

West Riding Alehouse Licences has Ernest Philpott 15 Dec 1964

West Riding Alehouse Licences has New premises as from 15 Dec 1964

West Riding Alehouse Licences has Norman Powell 9 Feb 1965

West Riding Alehouse Licences has Graham Bedford 28 Dec 1965

And Last updated on: Tuesday, 05-Mar-2024 12:02:53 GMT