Weeland Road Ropers Arms, Sunny bank, Knottingley

Ropers Arms, Sunny bank, Knottingley

Knottingley pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Yorkshire.

Residents at this address

The Upper Osgoldcross Division 1899 to 1962 - includes Knottingley

Ropers Arms, Knottingley - owned by Eliza Pickersgill, Brewer, Pontefract

West Riding Alehouse Licences has James William Heptinstall 3 Nov 1900

West Riding Alehouse Licences has Tom Beaumont 17 Nov 1903

West Riding Alehouse Licences has Mark Kinsey 3 Sep 1904

West Riding Alehouse Licences has James Willie Barker 5 Jan 1907

West Riding Alehouse Licences has 9 March 1907 Referred to Compensation Authority

West Riding Alehouse Licences has 9 May 1907 Report not proceeded with.

West Riding Alehouse Licences has William Ratcliffe 28 |Jun 1913

West Riding Alehouse Licences has Annie Ratcliffe 4 Jan 1919

West Riding Alehouse Licences has George Harland 14 Apr 1923

1927 Kellys directory - George Harland, Ropers Arms, Sunny bank, Knottingley

West Riding Alehouse Licences has Alice Harland 16 Jun 1956

West Riding Alehouse Licences : 31 March 1971 Premises closed. Licence surrendered.

And Last updated on: Tuesday, 05-Mar-2024 12:02:54 GMT