Weeland Road Sailors Home, Chapel street, Knottingley

Sailors Home, Chapel street, Knottingley

Knottingley pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Yorkshire.

Residents at this address

The Upper Osgoldcross Division 1899 to 1962 - includes Knottingley

Sailors Home, Knottingley - owned by Bentleys Yokshire Breweries ltd, Woodlesford

West Riding Alehouse Licences has John William Penty 2 Aug 1902

West Riding Alehouse Licences has James Pennington 1 Jan 1910

West Riding Alehouse Licences has George Thursley 2 Jul 1910

West Riding Alehouse Licences has Thomas Norman 19 Aug 1914

West Riding Alehouse Licences has Oct 21 1916 Fined £2 for selling liquor during prohibited hours

West Riding Alehouse Licences has Patrick Joseph Lavin 6 Jan 1917

West Riding Alehouse Licences has Mary Jane Lavin 3 Jan 1920

West Riding Alehouse Licences has Aloysius O'Driscoll 6 Nov 1920

West Riding Alehouse Licences has John T Heptinstall 12 Apr 1924

1927 Kellys directory - Jn Heptinstall, Sailors Home, Chapel street, Knottingley

West Riding Alehouse Licences has Amelia Heptinstall 9 Feb 1929

West Riding Alehouse Licences has Arthur Hoyle 4 June 1932

West Riding Alehouse Licences has George Beech 23 sep 1933

West Riding Alehouse Licences has George Wray 25 Nov 1939

West Riding Alehouse Licences has Hilda Wray 6 Dec 1941

West Riding Alehouse Licences has George Wray 2 Dec 1944

West Riding Alehouse Licences has Tom Rowley 5 Feb 1955

West Riding Alehouse Licences has Harry Lambert 29 Dec 1956

West Riding Alehouse Licences has Thomas Dooley 18 Aug 1962

And Last updated on: Tuesday, 05-Mar-2024 12:02:54 GMT