White Swan inn, Hill top, Knottingley

Knottingley pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Yorkshire.

Residents at this address

The Upper Osgoldcross Division 1899 to 1962 - includes Knottingley

White Swan, Knottingley - owned by Carters Knottingley Brewery Co Ltd, Knottingley

West Riding Alehouse Licences has John William Pearson 13 Mar 1900

West Riding Alehouse Licences has Horace E Hebden 21 Jun 1919

West Riding Alehouse Licences has William A Pearson 10 Feb 1923

1927 Kellys directory - William Atkinson Pearson, White Swan inn, Hill top, Knottingley

West Riding Alehouse Licences has Herbert Aaron 5 Nov 1927

West Riding Alehouse Licences has Benjamin Bretherick 23 Jun 1928

West Riding Alehouse Licences has Horace Dyson 29 Dec 1928

West Riding Alehouse Licences has William Arnold Price 13 June 1931

West Riding Alehouse Licences has Elizabeth Ann Price 26 Nov 1938

West Riding Alehouse Licences has Henry Edwin Taylor 6 Feb 1954

West Riding Alehouse Licences : 1 Mar 1958 Licence provisionally renewed and referred to Compensation Authority

West Riding Alehouse Licences : 0 May 1958 Renewal of licence refused by Compensation Authority

And Last updated on: Tuesday, 05-Mar-2024 12:02:54 GMT