Blue Bell, Valley road, Pontefract WF8 1LW

The Blue Bell, 1 Blue Bell yard in the 1911 census summary, then listed as Ropersgate but Valley road by 1959. It was apparently named the Highwayman at some stage.

Pontefract pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Yorkshire.

Blue Bell, Valley road, Pontefract WF8 1LW. 5th July 2019

Blue Bell, Valley road, Pontefract WF8 1LW. 5th July 2019

Kindly provided by Michael Taylor -

Residents at this address

Baines 1822 - Blue Bell, John Atkinson, Ropergate

Pigots 1829 - Blue Bell, John Atkinson, Yard, Roper gate

Pigots 1834 - Blue Bell, John Atkinson, Roper gate

1837 Whites - Atkinson, Jno. Blue Bell, Ropergate

1851/Thomas Day/Inn Keeper/49/Norton, Derbyshire/Census
1851/Rebecca Day/Wife/44/Brotherton, Yorkshire/Census
1851/Frances Day/Daughter/14/Ferrybridge, Yorkshire/Census
1851/William Day/Son/13/Ferrybridge, Yorkshire/Census
1851/Ann Day/Daughter/10/Ferrybridge, Yorkshire/Census
1851/Thomas Day/Son/8/Doncaster, Yorkshire/Census
1851/Sarah Day/Daughter/2/Doncaster, Yorkshire/Census

1857 Post Office directory - John Silverside, Blue Bell, Blue Bell yard

1881/Dick Cowling, Blue Bell, Ropergate/../../Kellys Directory

1891/Fred Hunt/Inn Keeper/25/Hyde, Cheshire/Census
1891/Eunice Hunt/Wife/30/Huddersfield, Yorkshire/Census
1891/Herbert Hesleton/Stepson/10/Huddersfield, Yorkshire/Census
1891/Frank Hesleton/Stepson/8/Huddersfield, Yorkshire/Census
1891/Joseph Hunt/Son/1/Huddersfield, Yorkshire/Census
1891/Agnes Fielding/Servant/32/Pontefract, Yorkshire/Census

1893/Charles B Heighington, Blue Bell, Ropersgate/../../Kellys Directory

1901/Thomas Ward/Inn Keeper/48/Darrington, Yorkshire/Census
1901/Martha Ward/Wife/47/Hoylake, Yorkshire/Census
1901/Mabel Ward/Daughter, Barmaid/17/Pontefract, Yorkshire/Census
1901/Elsie Ward/Daughter/10/Pontefract, Yorkshire/Census
1901/Hilda Ward/Daughter/9/Pontefract, Yorkshire/Census
1901/Eric Ward/Son/5/Pontefract, Yorkshire/Census
1901/Ada Price/Servant/17/South Kirkby, Yorkshire/Census

In 1905, Alehouse Licences list Thomas Ward, at the Blue Bell, Ropergate, Pontefract.

The Owner is Beverley Bros Brewers Wakefield

Other licensee to follow :
Alehouse Licences list Adam Webster by February 3 1908

Alehouse Licences list Henry Hollings by December 6 1915

Alehouse Licences list Herbert Blackburn by February 7 1921

1927/Herbert Blackburn, Blue Bell inn, Ropersgate/../../Kellys Directory

Alehouse Licences list Jane Blackburn by October 1 1928

Alehouse Licences list Joseph Brown by 12 August 1929

Register of Licences for 13 July 1939 Albert Ellison

Register of Licences for 4 Feb 1946 William Eyre

Register of Licences for 26 May1952 Edwin Skitt

Register of Licences for 7 Feb 1955 Irvine Judd

Register of Licences for 14 Jan 1957 Stanislaus Anthony Lennon

Register of Licences for 1 Sep 1958 James Turner

Register of Licences for 1 Feb 1960 James Turner

Register of Licences for 8 June 1960 Edwin Dauncey

Register of Licences for 27 Mar 1961 Edward Falloon

Register of Licences for 17 Dec 1962 Gerald B Hudson

Register of Licences for 21 Jan 1963 Leslie Ashworth

Register of Licences for 7 Oct 1963 Cecil John Stirland

Register of Licences for 31 Aug 1964 Barry Jessop

Register of Licences for 5 Dec 1966 William Albert Skelton

Register of Licences for 3 Jul 1967 George Tranter

Register of Licences for 18 Dec 1967 Peter Aveyard

Register of Licences for 6 Dec 1971 Barry Stuart Crompton

Register of Licences for 7 Aug 1972 Harold Derrick Pinder

Register of Licences for 4 Dec 1972 Derek Piper

And Last updated on: Tuesday, 05-Mar-2024 12:03:02 GMT