Carleton Hotel, Hardwick road, Pontefract, Yorkshire

Pontefract pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Yorkshire.

The Carleton Hotel, Hardwick Road, Pontefract. 30 August 2006

The Carleton Hotel, Hardwick Road, Pontefract. 30 August 2006"

Kindly provided by Bill Henderson -

Residents at this address

13 Jun 1960 Final Order of Removal of Justices Licence, of Pine Apple Hotel, to Carleton Hotel

Register of Licences for 13 Jun 1960 James Turner

Register of Licences for 1 Feb 1971 Wilfred Rodgers

And Last updated on: Tuesday, 05-Mar-2024 12:03:02 GMT