Curriers Arms, Shoe market, Pontefract, Yorkshire

Pontefract pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Yorkshire.

Residents at this address

Baines 1822 - Currier's Arms, John Grant, Shoe market

Pigots 1829 - Curriers' Arms, John Grant, Shoe market

Pigots 1834 - Currier's Arms, John Grant, Shoe market

1857 Post Office directory - Thomas Day, Curriers Arms, Shoe market

1861/Thomas Day/Victualler/59/Norton Leas, Yorkshire/Census
1861/Rebecca Day/Wife/53/Brotherton, Yorkshire/Census
1861/Thomas Day/Son, Curriers Apprentice/18/Doncaster, Yorkshire/Census
1861/Sarah Day/Daughter/12/Doncaster, Yorkshire/Census

1881/William Bennett, Curriers Arms, Shoe market/../../Kellys Directory

1891/William Holmes/Publican/50/Castleford, Yorkshire/Census
1891/Sarah Holmes/Wife/47/Pontefract, Yorkshire/Census
1891/Allan Holmes/Son/14/Castleford, Yorkshire/Census
1891/Archibald Hinchliffe/Son in Law, Tobacconist/24/Wonceston, Worcestershire/Census
1891/Jane Parker/Servant/20/Beale, Yorkshire/Census
1891/Annie Southwell/Visitor/8/Pontefract, Yorkshire/Census
+ Boarders & Lodgers

1893/William Holmes, Curriers Arms, Shoe market

In 1905, Alehouse Licences list Walter Schofield at the Curriers Arms, Shoe market, Pontefract.

The Owner is Carters Knottingley Brewery Co Ltd, Knottingley

1927/Walter Schofield, Curriers Arms, Shoe market/../../Kellys Directory

Other licensee to follow :
Alehouse Licences list Eliska Priestley by 6 July 1928

Alehouse Licences list Albert Vernon Kealey by 6 Aug 1928

Register of Licences for 13 July 1939 William Black

5 Jul 1940 William Black fined 20 shillings supplying liquor during non permitted hours to John Wright

Register of Licences for 3 Oct 1949 Raymond Frederick Kelly

Register of Licences for 10 May 1954 Walter Bacon

In 1959, the owners are Carters Knottingley Brewery Co Ltd, Knottingley

Register of Licences for 2 Feb 1959 Walter Bacon

Register of Licences for 6 July 1960 Clifford Dickinson

Register of Licences for 29 Apr 1964 Laret Gray

Register of Licences for 4 Sep 1967 Christopher Grice

Register of Licences for 15 Dec 1969 Patrick Gerald Young

And Last updated on: Tuesday, 05-Mar-2024 12:03:03 GMT