Dolphin, Horsefair, Pontefract, Yorkshire

Pontefract pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Yorkshire.

Residents at this address

Baines 1822 - Dolphin, Betty Brown, Micklegate

Pigots 1829 - Dolphin, Betty Brown, Horse fair

Pigots 1834 - Dolphin, Elizabeth Brown, Horse fair

1837 Whites - Brown Betty, Dolphin, Horse fair

1851/Rebecca Asquith/Inn Keeper Victualler, Widow/67/Leeds, Yorkshire/Census
1851/Mary Ormerod/Daughter/28/Leeds, Yorkshire/Census
1851/Benjamin Asquith/Son/36/Leeds, Yorkshire/Census
1851/Ann Ormerod/Grand Daughter/7/Bradford, Yorkshire/Census

1857 Post Office directory - William Hargrave Rhodes, Dolphin inn, Horsefair

1891/Louisa Leak/Landlady Public House, Widow/41/Warmfield, Yorkshire/Census
1891/Herbert Leak/Son/11/Warmfield, Yorkshire/Census
1891/Gertrude Adelaide Leak/Daughter/8/Normanton, Yorkshire/Census
1891/Theresa Edith Leak/Daughter/6/Whitwood, Yorkshire/Census
1891/Harry Leak/Son/1/ Pontefract, Yorkshire/Census
1891/John William Ramsley/Nephew, Brewers Clerk/27/Warmfield, Yorkshire/Census
1891/James Bracey/Nephew, Bricklayer/37/Buscot, Gloucestershire/Census
1891/Elizabeth Bracey/Niece/30/Altofts, Yorkshire/Census
1891/May Bracey/Nephew Daughter/7/Ohio, Youngstown, USA/Census
1891/William Albert Bracey/Nephew Son/5/Kentucky, Louesntle, USA/Census
1891/Mary Baston/Servant/17/Castleford, Yorkshire/Census

1893/Mrs Louisa Leake, Dolphin, Horsefair/../../Kellys Directory

In 1905, Alehouse Licences list James Hanks at the Dolphin, Horsefair, Pontefract.

The Owner is The Master & Fellows University College Oxford

Other licensee to follow :
Alehouse Licences list Edward Hogan by June 5 1905

Alehouse Licences list Alice Maud May Hogan by Oct 2 1905

Referred to Compensation Authority

And Last updated on: Tuesday, 05-Mar-2024 12:03:03 GMT