Elephant, 13 Market place, Pontefract WF8 1AG

Pontefract pub history index

The owner from 1959 is Oakwell Brewery, Barnsley

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Yorkshire.

Elephant, 13 Market place, Pontefract WF8 1AG. 25th April 2019

Elephant, 13 Market place, Pontefract WF8 1AG. 25th April 2019

Kindly provided by Michael Taylor -

Residents at this address

Baines 1822 - New Elephant, John Harrison, Market place

Pigots 1829 - New Elephant, John Harrison, Market place

Pigots 1834 - New Elephant, John Harrison, Market place

1837 Whites - Harrison Jno. New Elephant Inn, Market place

1871/Richard Richardson/Hotel Proprietor/58/Headley, Lincolnshire /Census
1871/Hannah Richardson/Wife/48/Pontefract, Yorkshire/Census
1871/Jane Anne Richardson/Daughter/27/Pontefract, Yorkshire/Census
1871/Mary Richardson/Daughter/18/Pontefract, Yorkshire/Census
1871/Elizabth Tarlow/Servant/42/Hillan, Yorkshire/Census
1871/Jane Jackson/Servant/18/Hardwick, Yorkshire/Census
1871/William Jackson/Boots/23/Croft, Lincolnshire/Census
1871/William Walker/Lodger, Captain 1st Wilt Militia, Widow/38/Bradford, Yorkshire/Census

1881/Mrs Hannah Richardson, Elephant commercial hotel & posting house, ordinary at 1 o'clock daily & an omnibus to meet the trains, Market place/../../Kellys Directory

1891/John Raddings/Hotel Keeper Pub/48/Knottingley, Yorkshire/Census
1891/Anna M Raddings/Wife/50/Antwerp, Belguim/Census
1891/James W Raddings/Son/19/Antwerp, Belguim/Census
1891/Elizabeth Raddings/Daughter/17/Antwerp, Belguim/Census
1891/Benajmin Raddings/Son/13/Antwerp, Belguim/Census
1891/Valina Raddings/Daughter/7/Antwerp, Belguim/Census
1891/Sarah A Broadhead/Waitress/52/Pontefract, Yorkshire/Census
1891/Albert W Kirby/Boots/31/Boston, Lincolnshire/Census
1891/Hannah J Winney/Servant/17/Blyth, Northumberland/Census
1891/Fanny Jenkins/Servant/20/Broad Meadow, Staffordshire/Census

1893/John Raddings, Elephant hotel, Market place/../../Kellys Directory

1901/Arthur Vaux/Inn Keeper/39/Pontefract, Yorkshire/Census
1901/Lilian B Vaux/Wife/34/Thorpe Nr Whitley, Yorkshire/Census
1901/Blanche Lazenby/Barmaid/22/Market Weighton, Yorkshire,/Census
1901/Alice Dubery/Housemaid/25/Lansami, Switzerland, British Subject/Census
1901/Maggie Sullivan/Cook/25/Middlesborough, Yorkshire/Census
1901/Mary Wigglesworth/Servant/16/Castleford, Yorkshire/Census
1901/Joseph Early/Boots/24/Ireland/Census

In 1905, Alehouse Licences list Arthur Vaux, at the Elephant Hotel, Market place, Pontefract.

The Owner is James Fox & Son, Brewers, Barnsley

Alehouse Licences list Edwin A Booth, Oct 1 1906

Alehouse Licences list Mary Ann Buck, June 1 1908

Alehouse Licences list George William Cocker, Feb 1 1909

Alehouse Licences list Herbert Pepper, Feb 7 1919

Alehouse Licences list James Reed Goodill, Oct 4 1915

Alehouse Licences list Charles Pepper, 6 Feb 1922

Alehouse Licences list Ernest Elwell, 10 Aug 1924

1927/Ernest Elwell, Elephant Hotel, Market place, TN 194/../../Kellys Directory

Alehouse Licences list Frederick Brierley, 3 Oct 1927

Alehouse Licences list 13 Jul 1939 Bernard Stringer

Alehouse Licences list 1 Apr 1957 Clara E C Vidler
Register of Licences for 2 Feb 1959 Clara E C Vidler

Register of Licences for 28 May 1962 William Dent

Register of Licences for 15 Jul 1963 Kenneth Roebuck

Register of Licences for 26 Oct 1964 Kenneth Wagstaff

And Last updated on: Tuesday, 05-Mar-2024 12:03:03 GMT