Grove Lea Hotel, Churchbalk lane, Pontefract

Pontefract pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Yorkshire.

The Grove Lea Hotel, Churchbalk Lane, Pontefract, junction with Monument Lane. 30 August 2006

The Grove Lea Hotel, Churchbalk Lane, Pontefract, junction with Monument Lane. 30 August 2006

Kindly provided by Bill Henderson -

Residents at this address

Register of Licences for 13 Jul 1939 Stanley Walsh

Register of Licences for 15 Jun 1940 Ernest Atkin

Register of Licences for 26 Nov 1951 Terry Thomas Andrews

Register of Licences for 12 Apr 1954 Alexander Easter

Register of Licences for 7 Nov 1955 Frederick Holroyd

Register of Licences for 19 Nov 1956 William Sands

Register of Licences for 2 Feb 1959 William Sands

Register of Licences for 16 May 1960 Geoffrey Townsend

Register of Licences for 5 Dec 1966 Clifford Robinson

Register of Licences for 7 Feb 1972 James Lancaster

And Last updated on: Tuesday, 05-Mar-2024 12:03:04 GMT