Horsevaults, Horsefair, Pontefract WF8 1PD

Pontefract pub history index

Bentleys Yorkshire Breweries Ltd are the owners in 1959.

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Yorkshire.

Residents at this address

In 1905, Alehouse Licences list John Henry Jackson, at the Horse Vaults, Horsefair, Pontefract.

The Owner is Bentleys Breweries Ltd, Woodlesford

Alehouse Licences list William Henry Spender, Feb 7 1910

Alehouse Licences list Herbert Davies, Aug 8 1910

Alehouse Licences list Fred Barnett, Aug 12 1912

Alehouse Licences list Getrude Barnett, June 3 1918

1927/Mrs Gertrude Barnett, Horse Vaults, Horsefair/../../Kellys Directory

Alehouse Licences list 13 Jul 1939 Frederick Alderson

Alehouse Licences list 28 Jul 1941 Jesse Hudson

Alehouse Licences list 21 Sep 1942 Alfred Beresford

Alehouse Licences list 28 Jun 1943 Harry Hutton

Alehouse Licences list 19 Mar 1945 Ben Wood

Alehouse Licences list 3 Sep 1951 Richard Cunningham

Alehouse Licences list 19 Jan 1953 Douglas Smith

Alehouse Licences list 28 Jun 1954 Albert Hollis

Alehouse Licences list 2 Jul 1956 George Costello

Register of Licences for 2 Feb 1959 George Costello

Register of Licences for 17 Apr 1967 George Frederick Burnley

Register of Licences for 11 Sep 1967 John Newport Campbell

Register of Licences for 22 Apr 1968 Peter Ernest Glover

Register of Licences for 2 Aug 1971 James Lancaster

Register of Licences for 12 June 1972 Keith Richardson

2018 - Horsevaults Public House, Horsefair, Pontefract WF8 1PD

And Last updated on: Tuesday, 05-Mar-2024 12:03:04 GMT