Kings Arms, Shoe market, Pontefract, Yorkshire

Pontefract pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Yorkshire.

Residents at this address

Baines 1822 - King's Arms, Thos. Barber Shoe market

Pigots 1829 - King's Arms, Thomas Barber, sen. 1 Church lane

Pigots 1834 - King's Arms, Thomas Barber, Shoe market

1837 Whites - Barber Thomas, King's Arms, Church lane

1857 Post Office directory - Joseph Nettleton, Kings Arms, & tailor, Shoe market

1861/Ann Nettleton/Victualler/60/Ford, Buckinghamshire/Census
1861/Henry Harrison/Son, Butcher/31/Pontefract, Yorkshire/Census
1861/Ellen Spedding Thornton/Daughter/27/Pontefract, Yorkshire/Census
1861/Rebecca Lee/Servant/16/Beal, Yorkshire/Census
1861/Jesse Walker/Lodger, Mason/24/Ryal Wragby, Yorkshire/Census

1881/James Barker Drury, Kings Arms, Shoe market/../../Kellys Directory

1891/George Wilkinson/Publican/55/Methley, Yorkshire/Census
1891/Selina Wilkinson/Wife/35/Whitwood, Yorkshire/Census
1891/Elizabeth Derwick/Servant/16/Cross Gates, Yorkshire/Census
+ Lodgers

1893/George Wilkinson, Kings Arms, Shoe market/../../Kellys Directory

And Last updated on: Tuesday, 05-Mar-2024 12:03:04 GMT