Nevisons Leap, Ferrybridge road, Pontefract WF8 2PG

Pontefract pub history index

The fullest address is in 1861 when the census describes it as St Thomas Hill, Nevisons Leap Public House, Ferrybridge road

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Yorkshire.

Residents at this address

1857 Post Office directory - John Fox, beer retailer & market gardener, Ferrybridge road

1861/John Fox/Labourer & Publican/61/Pontefract/Census
1861/Hannah Fox/Wife/61/LeedsWF8 2PG/Census
1861/Hannah Kinsley/Daughter, Widow/27/Pontefract/Census
1861/Joseph Fox/Son, Labourer/25/Pontefract/Census
1861/Charles Fox/Grandson/9/Pontefract/Census
1861/John Robert Kinsley/Grandson/5/Pontefract/Census
1861/Elizabeth Hannah Kinsley/Grand Daughter/2/Pontefract/Census

1881/Robert T Lindley, beer retailer & lime burner, Nevisons leap/../../Kellys Directory

1891//Fred Hampshire/Inn Keeper/27/Kellington/Census
1891/Elizabeth Hampshire/Wife/28/Barton Sabury/Census

1893/Frederick Hampshaw, beer retailer, Nevisons leap/../../Kellys Directory

1901/Fred Hampshaw/Retailer of Beer/37/Kellington>/Census
1901/Elizabeth Hampshaw/Wife/38/Burton Salmon/Census
1901/Clara Sharpe/Niece/24/Burton Salmon/Census

In 1905, Alehouse Licences list Fred Hampshaw, at the Nevisons Leap, St Thomas Hill, Pontefract.

The Owner is The Tadcaster Tower Brewery Co Ltd, Tadcaster

Alehouse Licences list Elizabeth Hampshaw, June 3 1912

Alehouse Licences list George Atkinson, Aug 14 1916

1927/George Atkinson, beer retailer, Nevisons leap/../../Kellys Directory

Alehouse Licences list Sam Hulse, Feb 3 1930

Alehouse Licences list 13 Jul 1939 Charles Davis

Alehouse Licences list 21 Aug 1939 William Walker

Alehouse Licences list 9 Sep 1940 Fredk Cecil Breedon

Alehouse Licences list 18 Mar 1946 Thomas Swift

Alehouse Licences list 4 Feb 1946 Edwin Wilbe Short

Alehouse Licences list 18 Mar 1946 Edwin Wilbe Short receiving stolen property £10 and £1 3 shillings, then £20 and £1 7 shillings for second offence

Alehouse Licences list 3 Feb 1947 Lawrence Walker

Alehouse Licences list 10 Mar 1947 Cecil Cooper

Alehouse Licences list 1 Nov 1948 Joseph Webb

Alehouse Licences list 3 Feb 1958 Joseph Webb

Register of Licences for 2 Feb 1959 Joseph Webb

Register of Licences for 25 Apr 1960 John Victor Beech

Register of Licences for 4 Feb 1963 Thomas Ray Beech

And Last updated on: Tuesday, 05-Mar-2024 12:03:05 GMT