Railway Inn, Mill Dam Lane, Pontefract WF8 2NP

Railway Hotel, Monk hill until about 1964. New premises in August 1964.

Pontefract pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Yorkshire.

Railway Inn, Mill Dam Lane, Pontefract WF8 2NP. 25th April 2019

Railway Inn, Mill Dam Lane, Pontefract WF8 2NP. 25th April 2019

Kindly provided by Michael Taylor -

Residents at this address

1871/William Carr/Inn Keeper and Gardener of 30 acres employing 6 men/63/Whitby, Yorkshire/Census
1871/Hannah Carr/Wife/65/Pontefract, Yorkshire/Census
1871/Thomas Carr/Son, Gardener/33/Pontefract, Yorkshire/Census
1871/Robert Carr/Son, Gardener/30/Pontefract, Yorkshire/Census
1871/John William Carr/Son, Gardener/24/Pontefract, Yorkshire/Census
1871/Joshua Carr/Son, Gardener/23/Pontefract, Yorkshire/Census
1871/Hannah Ward/Servant/18/Wakefield, Yorkshire/Census

1881/Alfred Gott, Railway hotel, Monkhill/../../Kellys Directory

1891/Charles Glover/Publican/38/Pontefract, Yorkshire/Census
1891/Dorothy Glover/Wife/33/Radcliffe, Lancashire/Census
1891/Annie W Glover/Daughter/10/Pontefract, Yorkshire/Census
1891/Beatrice E Glover/Daughter/9/Pontefract, Yorkshire/Census
1891/Carrie Glover/Daughter/8/Pontefract, Yorkshire/Census
1891/George Glover/Son/5/Pontefract, Yorkshire/Census

1893/Charles Glover jun, Railway hotel, & market gardener, Monk hill

1901/Dorothy Glover/Public Business, Widow/44/Radcliffe, Lancashire/Census
1901/Annie W Glover/Daughter, Barmaid/20/Pontefract, Yorkshire/Census
1901/Beatrice E Glover/Daughter, Barmaid/19/Pontefract, Yorkshire/Census
1901/Carrie Glover/Daughter, Dressmakers Apprentice/17/Pontefract, Yorkshire/Census
1901/George N Glover/Son, Hosiers Apprentice/16/Pontefract, Yorkshire/Census
1901/Joseph Wood/Father, Public Business/77/Bury, Lancashire/Census
1901/Margaret T Dickinson/Sister, Public Business/36/Radcliffe, Lancashire/Census

In 1905, Alehouse Licences list Dorothy Glover, at the Railway Hotel, Monk Hill, Pontefract.

The Owner is Carters Knottingley Brewery Co Ltd, Knottingley

Alehouse Licences list Thomas Firth, Dec 4 1916

Alehouse Licences list James Firth, Dec 4 1922

1927/Thomas Firth, Railway Hotel, Monk hill/../../Kellys Directory

Alehouse Licences list 13 Jul 1939 Albert hemingway

Alehouse Licences list 7 Feb 1949 Edward Bastow

Alehouse Licences list 1 Dec 1958 Robert Wood

Register of Licences for 2 Feb 1959 Robert Wood

10 Aug 1964 Provisional Ordinary Removal - new premises at Mill Dam

Register of Licences for 8 Dec 1969 Margaret Wood

Register of Licences for 15 Jun 1970 Edward Bennett

2018 - Railway Inn, Mill Dam Lane, Pontefract WF8 2NP

And Last updated on: Tuesday, 05-Mar-2024 12:03:05 GMT