Robin Hood Inn, 4 Wakefield road, Pontefract WF8 4HN

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The Robin Hood Public House,Number 1, Wakefield Road, Pontefract. One of the oldest public houses in Pontefract, this building stands on the north west corner of the junction of the A645 and the A639.. 17 September 2006

The Robin Hood Public House,Number 1, Wakefield Road, Pontefract. One of the oldest public houses in Pontefract, this building stands on the north west corner of the junction of the A645 and the A639. 17 September 2006"

Kindly provided by Bill Henderson -

Residents at this address

In 1905, Alehouse Licences list Horace Webster, at the Robin Hood Inn, Tanshelf, Pontefract.

The Owner is Beverley Bros Brewers Wakefield

Alehouse Licences list George Beech, Feb 7 1921

Alehouse Licences list 13 Jul 1939 George Beech

Alehouse Licences list 8 Aug 1949 Frank Beech

Register of Licences for 2 Feb 1959 Frank Beech

2 Dec 1968 Frank Beech fined £6 for aiding and abetting intoxicating liiquor to be consumed during non permitted hours to R Moxon, G Battye and F C Depledge

28 Apr 1969 Frank Beech did aid and abet R Moore consume intoxicating liquor under 18 years of age, fined £2

Register of Licences for 6 Aug 1973 Rowland Ward

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