Star, Market place, Pontefract, Yorkshire

Pontefract pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Yorkshire.

Residents at this address

Baines 1822 - Star, William Arton (Posting and Commercial Inn) Market place

Pigots 1829 - Star, William Arton, Market place

Pigots 1834 - Star, Isaac Shaw, Market place

1837 Whites - Youdan Geo. Star Inn, Market place

1851/Thomas Scott/Victualler/44/Scrasby, Lincolnshire/Census
1851/Elizabeth Scott/Wife/44/Yorkshire//Census
1851/Fanny Aspin/Servant/21/Yorkshire/Census
1851/Walter Scott/Servant/48/Scotland/Census

1857 Post Office directory - Thomas Moulson, Star, Market place

1861/Thomas Moulson/Inn Keeper/56/South Hindley, Yorkshire/Census
1861/Jane Moulson/Wife/61/Tanshelf, Yorkshire/Census
1861/Margaret Gallow/House Servant/15/Pontefract, Yorkshire/Census
1861/Abraham Williams/Lodger, Blue Slater/52/Wales/Census

And Last updated on: Tuesday, 05-Mar-2024 12:03:06 GMT