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Portsmouth pubs history index - Portsmouth 1855 index
UNDERHILL HUGH, butcher, 39 North street Valler William, general dealer, 48 Kent street Vanhear John, photographer, 23 Chapel row VARNEY JOSEPH, Victory Tavern, wine and spirit merchant, 94 Queen street Veal James, Ship Anson Tavern, 10 The Hard Veryaril Thomas, hairdresser, 32 Kent street Vine Mrs. Hannah, millinery warehouse, 4 Hanover street Vinicombe James, lodging-house keeper, 29 St. Georges square Voke Joseph, clothier and general dealer, 5 and 13 Clock street Voller Henry, boot and shoemaker, 67 Hanover street Wafer Mrs., Louisa, Royal Naval Rendezvous, Half Moon street WAINSCOT JOHN, accountant and estate agent, agent to the Western, Manchester, and London Life and Fire Insurance society, office, 4 Union street, p.r., Queen street Walker, Henry John, architect and surveyor, 2 Union street, p.r., Kingston Walker Robert, agent to the Imperial Fire Insurance Company, 40 Orange street WALKER WILLIAM & Co., wholesale and retail lead, glass, oil and color merchants, 125 Queens street Walker William, agent for the Scottish Union Fire and Life Insurance office Wall Mrs. Mary, lodging-house, 51 King street Walters Lewis, steward H.M.S. Tamar, 32 King street Ward Mrs. Emma, beer retailer, 79 North street Warn James, clothier & dealer, Hanover street Warn John, junr., pawnbroker, 37 Hanover street Warren George, chimney sweeper, 14 Puds lane WARREN ROBERT, beer retailer, 35 St. James street Wateridge Charles, carpenter, Butcher street Wateridge Charles, beer retailer, 53 Britain street WATKINS JAMES, currier and leather merchant, 18 Bishop street, and at Ryde, Isle of Wight WATKINS WILLIAM HENRY, wholesale wine and spirit merchant, and importer, agent for Dublin and Burton ales, 1 & 2 Butcher street, & Palmerston road, Southsea, bonding stores, King street, Portsmouth Watson Alexander, hair dresser, 19 College street Watson Isaac, family grocer and provision merchant, 132 Queen street Watts James, furniture broker, 4 Havant street Wavell Felix Loney, builder & undertaker, Prince George street Wavell William, writer H.M. dockyard, Portland street Way Miss Caroline, ladies seminary, 46 King street Way Eliza, beer retailer, Kent street Way Frederick Walter, hon. surgeon to the Royal Portsmouth, Portsea, & Gosport Hospital, 16 Daniel street Way Richard James, relieving officer for Portsea. Office, Lion terrace, p.r., 46 King street Way William Augustus, solicitor, commissioner to administer oaths in chancery, in lower courts, solicitor to the Landport and Southsea, building society, agent to the Globe Fire and Life office, Hanover street. Way William Ed ward, engraver & printer, 55 Hanover street Weaver Arthur, beer retailer, 26 North street Webb Charles, shopkeeper, 14 Bishop street Wedge Edward, chimney sweeper, 15 Puds lane Webb Ephraim,beer retailer & marine store dealer, 16 and 47 Kent street Webb George, butcher, 22 Daniel street Webb James, ale & stout house, 152 Queen street Webb Joseph, lodging house, 47 Bishop street Webber Henry, beer retailer, 35 Bishop street Webber William, shopkeeper, Portland street Weeks Mrs. Mary, stationer, toy & fancy warehouse, 69, Hanover street Weeks William, coal and wood seller, 42 Cross street Wells Edward M., corn & flour merchant, 167, Queen street Wendover & Son, cabinet manufacturers, upholsterers and carpet warehousemen, 56 and 7, Hanover street West Thomas, baker, Orange street West Thomas, baker and shopkeeper, 47 Cross street Westbrook Miss Emma, mourning and millinery warehouse, 61 Hanover street Wheeler Daniel, Old Shakespeares Head, 29 Bishop street Wheeler Daniel, marine store dealer, 19 and 20 Kent street Whinall - engineer, 24 King street Whitcomb: Henry, pawnbroker, 13 College street White & Co., silk mercers, linen & woollen drapers, and carpet warehousemen, 51 & 52 Queen street White George, naval and military outfitter, 165 Queen street White Henry, White Bear Tavern, Queen street White John, general dealer, 6 St. James street White, Peter & Sons, curriers & leather merchants, 38 Hanover street, & at 6 Russell street, Landport White Robert, Butchers Arms, Bishop street White Weeks, beer retailer, 8C1 North street White William, haberdasher, 19 Butcher street White Wm., Manchester Unity Arms, 29 Queen street WHITE WILLIAM & SON, curriers & leather merchants, 5 and 6 Portland street Whittle James, Blue Anchor Tavern, 53 Cross street Wiles John, coal & wood seller, & beer retailer, 29 Butcher street Wilkins George, pastry cook & confectioner, 142 Queen street Wilkinson George, bird fancier, 18 St. James street Williams Mrs. Fanny, lodging house, 44 King street Williams James, printer, 143 Queen street Williams John, Ship Leopard tavern, Havant street Williams Joseph, :dealer in rushes, 45 Union street Williams Michael James, cabinet maker, 14 St. James street Williams Owen, inspector for the town of Portsea Improvement Commissioners, 63 Orange street Williams Thomas, lodging house, 37 Bishop street . Williams Thomas, beer retailer, Rosemary lane Williamson Mrs. Elizabeth, shopkeeper, 18 Kent street Wills Thomas Pratt, accountant, agent to the Imperial Fire, Provident Life office, and Portsea Island Building society, Southern Counties, 4, Lion place Wilson Ames, travelling draper, 30 St. Georges square Wilson William, confectioner, 32 Butcher street WILLSHER JOHN, builder, carpenter, and beer retailer, Portland street Winch Miss Jane, milliner, 42 Union street Windsor Geo., cabinet maker, &c., 37 St. James street Windsor Thomas, beer retailer, 8 Butcher street Wing Ralph, butcher, 39 Daniel street Wink & Co., silk mercers, and ladies outfitters, 112 Queen street Witham Miss Hannah, beer retailer, Cumberland street Withers George, marine store and general dealer, 66 Cross street Wood Mrs. Ann, seminary, 48 Union street Woodland William, clerk to Admiralty, Somerset house, p.r., 37 Orange street Woodnutt George, lodgings, 16 King street Woodroofe Charles William, surgeon to the 2nd Battalion 1st Royals, 20 Lion terrace Woods George, army saddler & harness maker, 173 Queen street Woods S., refreshment rooms, 96 Queen street Woods John, gunner R.N., 28 Cumberland street Woods William D., fancy repository and LANDPORT. registrar office for servants, 27 ()meg street Woodthorpe Mrs. Mary, clothier & general dealer, 22 College street Woodward William, jun., printer, bookseller, publisher, stationer & bookbinder, 17 The Hard, Wright Adkisson, bill poster, 25 College street Wyatt Henry, beer retailer, 6 Havant street Yoell Miss Helen, A., shirt manufacturer, 15 Lion terrace Youlton William, master rigger, H.M. dockyard, 12 King street Young Cornelius John, beer retailer, 50 Bishop street Young Henry, cabinet maker, 41 St. James street Yule George, Still Tavern, 60 Kent street Yuly Mrs. Elizabeth, outfitter and general dealer, 42 & 43, Havant street, & 20 College street ZACHARIAH SERIASKIE, jeweller, goldsmith, silversmith, & watch & clock maker, 45 Queen street, |