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Portsmouth pubs history index - - Portsmouth 1855 to 1875 index
Taplen Charles, upholsterer, 31 Middle street Tapp Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer, 6 Hambrook street Tapper Henry, linen draper, 80 King's road Taylor Henry, commercial traveller, 15 Cottage grove Taylor Henry Walter, insurance agent, 111 Somers road Taylor Sarah Ann (Miss), lodging house, 11 Southsea terrace Terry James, Bridge tavern, Somers road Thomas Anna Jane (Mrs.), lodging house, 10 Bellevue terrace Thomas George Henry, greengrocer, Duncan road Thomlinson William, journalist, 1 Richmond terrace, Netley road Thorne James Lyon, paymaster R.N. 18 King's terrace Thornley Joseph, upholsterer, Clarendon road east Thornton Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, 6 Richmond terrace, Netley road Thornton William, boot maker, 17 King street Thresher John, lodging house, 13 Bellevue terrace Thurston Eliza (Mrs.), lodging ho 4Westbourne ter. Osborne road Thurston Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 5 Middle street Tibbles Charles, Prince of Wales, 135 Somers road Tickner John grocer, 48 King's road Tier Charles Henry, bookseller, 29 Middle street Till Henry, Royal Marine Artillery Arms, Highland road TillyAnnie tic Harriet (Misses),ladies' school Elmhurst, Elm grove Tilly Henry Lindsay, photographer, 16 Norfolk street Tilly Josiah Henry, tailor & draper, 84 King's road Towsey Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 3 Southsea terrace Treakell & Creber, pianoforte warehouse, Palmerston road Tridgell Timothy, lodging house 2 Landport terrace Triggs Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer retailer, 13 Bedford street Trout David Ellis, lodging house, Haddington villa, Auckland road west Tuck Amelia (Miss), teacher of music, 14 Green road Tucker Charles, Goat, 38 King's road Tulk Hannah (Miss), ladies' school, 4 Alsace terrace, Britannia road Tull Edwin, carpenter, Kemniesham road Turner George & Son, linen drapers, Palmerston road Turner Alfred, grocer, Lennox road Turner Henry, linen draper, 8 Marmion pl. Grove rd. south Tutton Charles, lodging house, 5 & 6 Dover ter. Osborne road Twynau Harriet (Mrs.), lodging ho. 2 Bush villas Elm grove Ubsdell Thomas, fancy repository, 14 Hambrook street Uffindell Charles Ephraim, chief engineer R.N. 7 Netley terrace Urry James, hair cutter, 50 Middle street Vaughan Thomas Henry, butcher, 68 Vincent street Veal Wm. Hy. lodging ho. 5 Westbourne ter. Osborne road Vicat Thomas, toy dealer, 1 Bellevue terrace Vickery Thos. Henry, academy, Hope house, Green road Vincent Henry, photographer, 6 Peel street Vine Thomas, confectioner, 2 Hambrook street Vinson William, beer retailer, Clarendon road Yoke William, commercial traveller, 5 Cottage grove Von Poseck Julius A. professor of languages, 82 King street Vosper Alfred, solicitor, The Poplars, Ashburton road Voysey Henry, boot maker, 41 Grosvenor street Wakely Henry, beer retailer, 26 Hambrook street Waide John, grocer, 16 Somers road Wainwright George, beer retailer, 17 Cecil place Walke Louisa (Mrs.), beer retailer, Highland road Walker & Abbery, dress makers, 3 Netley place Walker Eliza Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, Campion house, Ashburton road Wallace Annie ( Mrs.), lodging hoi Brentwood ho.Osborne road Wallace Henry, wood dealer, 17 York street Waller Emma (Mrs.), lodging house, Felixstow villa, Auckland road Wallingford William, grocer, 15 Blackfriars road Walsh Henry, oilman, 48 Blackfriars road Walton Joseph, lodging house, Madeira ho. Palmerston road Ward Richard Aldridge, grocer, 101 Grigg street Ward William, tailor, Palmerston road Warren George, Eastney Cellar, Cromwell road, Eastney Wassell Harriet (Mrs.), corset maker, 15 St. Paul's square Wessell James, Marble Hall, Cottage grove Waterman David, greengrocer, 3 Eldon street Watts Henry, school, 35 King street Wave]! Eliza (Mrs.), stationer, Marmion road Wavell Emily & Jessie (Misses), ladies' school, 7 Norfolk street Way Annie (Mrs.), lodging house, 3 King's terrace Way James, grocer, 42 Sackville street Way James Albert, M.A. private tutor, Retreat Way James Rout, commission agent, 46 Green row Wearn Elizh (Mrs.), lodging ho. Kenilworth ho. Waverley road Webber Charles, Crown, 7 Kings. road Webber William Wilson, engineer R.N. 48 Green road Webster Charles, working cutler, Eastney Weekes William, beer retailer, 7 King street Weeks George, preparatory school, Victoria road north Welch Charles, shopkeeper, Albert road Welch Morris, miller & corn merchant, Dock mill ; & at Lombard street, Portsmouth Wells John, linen draper, 37 Grosvenor street Wellstead Herbert, beer retailer. Clarendon road Wellsteed George, farmer, Milton Westbrook John, butcher, 92 St. James's road Westgate Mary Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging ho.16 Landport terrace Wheeler Edward Alfred, greengrocer, Clarendon road Wheeler James, baker, 41 King's road Wheeler Samuel, accountant, 9 Netley terrace Whiston Charles, toy dealer, 31 Kings road Whiston George, pianoforte dealer, 32 King's road White Brothers, stone & marble works, Highland road ; & at Landport White Allred James, lodging house, 7 Jubilee terrace White Frederick, builder, 12 St James's road White George, shopkeeper, 18 Grosvenor street White George John, Marmion, Marmion road White James, lodging house, 20 Clarence parade White James, lodging house, 5 Queen's terrace west Whitehall Daniel, grocer, Palmerston road Whitehall Emma (Miss), fancy repository, Palmerston road Whiteheart William, engraver, 8 Great Southsea street Whitehorn Diana (Mrs.), printer, 31 Great Southsea street Whitfield George, watch maker, 65 King's road Whittington Thomas, lodging house, 3 & 4 Landport terrace Wickens Isaac, butcher, Osborne road Wilford Edward, architect & surveyor, 42 Green road Wilkinson Charles, tailor, 5 Great Southsea street Wilkinson James Matthew, straw hat ma. 43 West street Williams Emma (Mrs.), preparatory school, 5 Netley terrace Williams George, lodging ho. Claremont lodge, Stanley street Williams Henry, beer retailer, 71 Fleet street Williams John, fishmonger, 4 Helen's park Williams Thomas, beer retailer, 38 Gold street Williams Thomas Henry, tobacconist, 46 King's road Williams Wm. Edward, Blackfriars tavern, 49 Blackfriars road Willsford Joseph, beer retailer, 117 Somers road Willsteed Samuel, lodging ho. 2 Dagmar ter. Clarence road Wilson George Benjamin, artist, 60 St. James's road, Wilson John Shepherd, chemist, 42 King's road Winch June (Miss), milliner, 64 King's road Windebank Edwin, grocer, 25 Grigg street Winderbank James, lodging house, 3 Clarence parade Windsor John Robert & Son, undertakers, 8 Hyde Park road Wink & Co. linen drapers, Palmerston road Winter Alfred, beer retailer, 6 Warwick street Winter Grace (Mrs.), boarding house, Shaftesbury road Winter William Pelham, drain pipes, pottery, timber, slate, cement & lias lime merchant & building material dealer, Blackfriars road. Wollaston Frederick Henry, dentist, Green road Wood John, beer retailer, Highland road Wood Mary (Miss), lodging ho. St. Ann's, Auckland road. we Woodeson George, linen draper, 28 St. James's road Woodman Philip, haberdasher, Palmerston road Woodward George, grocer, & agent for Henry Brett & Co.'s "Eau de Vie" pure brandy, Palmerston road Woollacott John, tailor, 71 Somers road Wrapson George Henry, grocer, Albert road Wyatt Frank, linen draper, 37 & 39 King's road Wynhall George, chief engineer R.N. 5 The Retreat Yates Thomas, falterer, Palmerston road Yobs Charles & Son, egg merchants, 68 King's street Young Abraham, grocer, 47 Blackfriars road Young Benjamin, beer retailer, 10 Cottage grove Young Charles, stone mason, Albert road Young George, monumental mason ; monuments, tombs, head-stones & every description of cemetery work executed with dispatch & economy in marble, granite, Pennant or Portland, masonry in all its branches, Albert cemetery works, Albert road, New Southsea Young Richard, beer retailer, 29 Blackfriars road |