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Traders in 1858 Melvilles Directory by surnameAllebone, Joseph, dairyman, Dover
road Allen, Miss, milliner and dressmaker, and straw bonnet maker, High street Andrews, Henry, greengrocer, &c., Dover road Andrews, John, True Britain, South street Andrews, Alice, True Britain Inn, South street Andrews, Robert, boot and shoe maker, Guildhall street Andrews, Abrahams, baker, Radnor street Armstrong, Mrs. Ann, lodging house keeper, Westcliffe garden Ash tell, William, fly proprietor, Harbour Ashtell, John, baker and confectioner, Beach street Austen, William, marine store dealer, Radnor street Baker, John, block maker, Radnor street Baker, Robert, stone mason, Tontine street Baker, Alfred, surveyor of Customs, London street Baker, Robert, plumber, glazier, and painter, Seagate street Baldock, David, Prince Albert Inn, Rendezvous street Bamford, Mr. John, surveyor to. the Commissioners of pavements, London street Banks, Richard Holtum, bricklayer, Church street Banks, James, superintendent of works S. E. Railway, Parade house Banks, John, cabinet maker & auctioneer, Tontine street Banks and Dale, tailors and hatters, High street Banks, Richard Banks, bricklayer, Church street Bartlett, Mrs., lodging house keeper, Marine parade Barton, Charles, hair dresser, Beach street Barton, Stephen, coach builder, Mill lane Bateman, John and William, surgeons, Sandgate road Bayly, Samuel, lodging house keeper, Westcliff gardens Binfield, Ayleffe, tailor, Cheriton road Benefield, William, greengrocer, Dover street. Bennett, William, sail maker, Radnor street Berry, Joseph, manager of the gas works Bills, Jabez, builder, etc., Baton place Bishop, Henry, Earl Grey Inn, High street Blackman, John, Shakespere Inn, Shellon's terrace Boult, Thomas Tramson, Victoria, South street Bourn, John, chemist, etc., Dover street Bourn, Richard, Steam Packet Inn, Radnor street Bourn, Mrs., seminary, Victoria house, Dover street Bourn, Richard, coal merchant, Mill lane Bray, Mrs. Sarah, milliner and dressmaker, Grace hill Brett,Miss Harriett, lodging house keeper, Albion villas Brickman, George, cabinet maker, auctioneer, appraiser, and piano forte warehouse, Tontine street Brockman, Ralph Thomas, solicitor, Westcliff terrace, town clerk, clerk of peace, clerk to commissioners of taxes, solicitor to gas company Brooke, John, wine merchant, Sandgate road Bromley, Thomas, confectioner, etc., High street Brothers, William, chemist, etc., Tontine street Bubb, Horatio Warner, surgeon, Cambridge house, Harvey square Burrage, Edwin, bath chairs for hire, Rendezvous street Burville, Robert, British Lion Inn, Bail Caister, Thomas, grocer, etc., Beach street Castle, John, butcher, Rendezvous street Cattaneo, Joseph, watchmaker, jeweller, &c., Rendezvous street Chamberlain, Mary Ann, milliner and dressmaker, Rendezvous street Chapman, Fuller, baker, Radnor street Chinery, Faulkner, and Co., consular agents, etc., Harbour Clark, John, academy, Grove house, Dover road Clark, Miss, preparatory school, Grove-end house, Dover road Clark, Mrs. Ann, lodging house keeper, Westcliff terrace Clark, Robert, lodging house keeper, Westcliff terrace Clout, Edward, farmer, Sandgate road Cobb, Thomas, Shakspeare, South street Cobb, Robert, grocer, Beach street Cobb, Thomas, baker, Dover street Cochrane, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, Belle vue fields Cocks, Thomas, The Gun Inn, Cheriton road Cook, John, boot and shoe maker, High street Cook, Thomas, hair dresser, Radnor street Cooke, Richard, landing waiter, Customs, London street Collier, Mr. Richard, lodging house keeper, Pleydell gardens Couley, George, butcher, High street Copping, Charles, greengrocer, etc., Dover street Coules, Francis, draper, etc., Broad street, agent to London Life Assurance Office Court, Stephen, fruiterer, etc., High street Court, James, pipe maker, Belle vue fields Court, William, The Folkestone Cutter, Dover street Court, Richard, coal merchant, Dover street Court, Valentine, tea dealer and tobacconist, Canterbury road Cowling, Joseph, Fountain Inn, High street Cox, Richard, pork butcher, Bail Cramp, Mary Ann, dealer in marine stores, High street Creed, Edmund, printer, stationer, and bookseller, fancy repository, High street and Broad street Dale, Edward, baker, Radnor street Dallen, John, fruiterer, etc., George lane Daniels, Mrs., farmer, Turlingham Davis, John Oliver, chemist and druggist, High street Dawson. Richard, baker, High street Denibas, M., Paris Hotel, Harbour Doridant, Charles, Pavilion Hotel, Harbour Down, George, Marquis of Granby Inn, High street Dray, Thomas, blacksmith, Uphill Dray, William, confectioner, Dover road Dunk, John, builder, carpenter, and joiner, Tontine street Dunn, Thomas, Dolphin Inn, Bridge street Eastes, Silvester, surgeon, London street Edwards, John, builder, Darlington street Ellis, Henry, tailor and hatter, Sandgate road |
Ellis, Sarah, Hope Inn, Fancy street English, John, stationer, bookseller, and fancy repository, High street Pagg, John, draper, etc., High street Fagg, John, boot and shoe mater, High street Farley, Samuel, Guildhall, Inspector of weights and measures, Town Sergeant Fetherstone, William, baker and confectioner, Tontine street Field, Thomas, draper, Dover street Fields, Thomas, bricklayer, Victoria terrace Fitness, John, grocer and cheesemonger, High street Fowle, Richard, Folkestone Luggar Inn, Sandgate road Frances, Frederick George, ironmonger and gas fitter, Tontine street Franks, George, boot and shoe maker, George lane Fuggle, John, blacksmith, Rendezvous street Fyson, William Taylor, surgeon, Church street Gambrill, John, farmer, Park farm Gammon, William, pork butcher, Dover street Garland, John, plasterer, Cheriton road Gaywood, Thomas, grocer, etc,, Canterbury road Gilbert, Hampden, cabinet maker, etc., Broad street Gittins, Miss Jane, Fellenburg House Seminary, Church street Goddard, William, hair dresser, etc., High street Godden, David, cabinet maker, upholsterer, auctioneer, etc., Rendezvous street Golder, William, boat builder, Lower Sandgate road Golder, William, coal merchant, Radnor street Goodban, Thomas, professor of music, Sandgate road Goodburn, James, master mariner, London street Gorham, Henry, agent for the Anchor Life and Fire Assurance Company, Tontine street Gosling and Susans, grocers and provision, merchants, George street Gosling and Susans, drapers, High street Green, William, ship agent, 11, Victoria grove Guest, Frederick William, chemist, etc., Broad street Guffin, Mrs., farmer, Broadmead Hall, Henry Thomas, tailor, etc., Tontine street Hall, Hannah, greengrocer, South street Hall, Harriet, Ship Inn, Radnor street Hall, Thomas, Forresters' Arms Inn, Grace hill Hambrook, Samuel, cabinet maker, Rendezvous street Hambrook, Richard, post and fly master, Dover street, and at Pavilion hotel Hammon, Richard, chemist and druggist, Rendezvous street Harris, Edward, tailor and woollen draper, High street Harrison, William, fly proprietor, Harbour Harrison, William, eating house keeper, High street Harrison, Edward, pork butcher, High street riarrison, Miss, ladies establishment, Rock hill house Samson, James, collector of rates, High street Sarrison, Timothy, baker, etc., Dover street Harrison, Margaret, Lord Nelson Inn, Radnor street Hart, Mordecai, pawnbroker and clothier, Tontine street Hart, Richard, solicitor, Church street, clerk to justices, burial board, water works, &c. Haynes, Mrs. Sarah Ann, straw bonnet maker, High street Hayward, Edward, watchmaker, High street Hayward, John, clerk to the customs, London street Hayward, Spencer, builder, Dover street Healey, John, greengrocer, Bell vue fields Hall, Henry Thomas, tailor, etc,, Tontine street Hickmott, Mrs. Ann Elizabeth, milliner, &c., Tontine street Hill, Thomas, custom house agent, London street Hill, Mrs. Ann, straw bonnet maker, High street Hills, George, Belle vue Inn, Belle vue fields Hills, William, baker and confectioner, Rendezvous street Hoad, John, builder and surveyor, Rendezvous street, agent to London Union Assurance Office Hobday, Sarah, milliner and dressmaker, Church street Hodges, Thomas, baker and confectioner, Seagate street Hofland, Mr. H. H., Pembroke house Academy, Guildhall street Hogben, Stephen, baker and corn dealer, Belle vue fields Hoile, Mrs. Harriet, straw bonnet maker, Grace hill Holloway, Thomas, British schoolmaster, Mill lane Holden, John, plumber, painter, etc., Tontine street Holness, John, marine store dealer, Belle vue fields Home, Mr. John, Bouverie square, agent to Mentor Life Office Howard, Edward, M.D., surgeon, Pleydell gardens Hudson, John, donkey establishment, Radnor street Hughes, James, boot and shoe maker, Seagate street Hughes, Ann, grocer, Belle vue fields Hughes, Richard, New Inn, Mill lane Hunt, John P., toy and fancy repository, High street Hunter, John, greengrocer, High street Iverson, James, grocer, etc., Dover street Iverson, Henry, grocer, Fancy street Iverson, Edward, Tramway Tavern, Radnor street |