Darnley Arms, 9 Trafalgar Road, Gravesend DA11 0QA

This pub was established by 1848. **

Gravesend pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Gravesend, Kent . The Gravesend, Kent listing uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.

The Darnley Arms, 9 Trafalgar Road, Gravesend - circa 1922 (J R Wiltcher is the licensee)

The Darnley Arms, 9 Trafalgar Road, Gravesend - circa 1922 (J R Wiltcher is the licensee)

Kindly provided by Ann Claydon

Darnley Arms, Gravesend - circa 1938 (Landlord is Ernest Saxby senior.

Kindly provided by David Featherstone

Darnley Arms, 9 Trafalgar Road, Gravesend - in December 2010

Darnley Arms, 9 Trafalgar Road, Gravesend - in December 2010

Kindly provided by Stephen Harris

Residents at this address

1851/John Sayer/ Beer Retailer, Trafalgar road/../../Post Office Directory

1855/Thomas Mackrell / Beer Retailer/../../Post Office Directory **

1861/William Osmotherley/Beer House Keeper/57/Cooling, Kent/Census
1861/Ann Osmotherley/Wife/55/Greenwich, Kent/Census
1861/Eliza Osmotherley/Daughter/22/Greenwich, Kent/Census
1861/Sarah Osmotherley/Daughter/16/Greenwich, Kent/Census
1861/Emma Osmotherley/Daughter/15/Greenwich, Kent/Census

1865/William Osmotherley / Beer Retailer/../../Hall’s Directory **

1878/Mrs Ann Osmotherley/../../../Post Office Directory **

1881/James Elford/Beer House Keeper/57/Meopham, Kent/Census
1881/Mary Elford/Wife/53/Ightham, Kent/Census

1891/James Elford / Beer Retailer/../../Kelly’s Directory of Kent, Surrey & Sussex **

1911/John Fenner/Beer Retailer, Widow/72/Cobham, Kent/Census
1911/Bert Fenner/Son, Drayman/31/Chatham, Kent/Census
1911/John Fenner/Son, Barman/19/Shorne, Kent/Census
1911/Rose Wondin/Servant/33/Northfleet, Kent/Census

1913/Alfred Thomas Moore / Beer Retailer/../../Kelly’s Directory of Kent **

1920/Alfred Thomas Moore / Beer Retailer/../../Kelly’s Directory of Kent

1922/A T Moore / Beer Retailer/../../Kelly’s Directory of Kent

E Rogers and J R Wiltcher were related through marriage. J R Wiltcher is at the Phoenix in the 1922 Kellys directory. *

1922/J R Wiltcher/../../../Birth certificate of son *

1930/E Rogers/ Beer Retailer/../../Kelly’s Directory of Kent

Ernest Saxby, senior and Julie Saxby (nee Mulligan).  Ernest Saxby, senior

Two pictures of Ernest Saxby, senior and Julie Saxby (nee Mulligan).

The bar shot is of his son (also named Ernest Saxby) who was a silk printer in Crayford, Kent

The bar shot is of his son (also named Ernest Saxby) who was a silk printer in Crayford, Kent

Kindly provided by David Featherstone

My great grandfather, Ernest Saxby was the Landlord here in 1938. Apparently he didn't much like customers so he was not a great success as a publican!

1938/Ernest Saxby/Darnley Arms/../../Kelly’s Directory of Kent

* Provided By Ann Claydon

** Provided By Stephen Harris

*** Provided By David Featherstone

And Last updated on: Friday, 09-Feb-2024 13:19:16 GMT