Phoenix, 8 & 9 Albion Terrace, Gravesend

This pub was established by 1841. It was rebuilt in 1965 and closed in around 2001. The premises are now in use as a cultural centre (2010). **

Gravesend pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Gravesend, Kent . The Gravesend, Kent listing uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.

Phoenix (Arms), 9 Albion Terrace, Gravesend - in December 2010

Phoenix (Arms), 9 Albion Terrace, Gravesend - in December 2010

Kindly provided by Stephen Harris

Residents at this address

1851/James Holdaway/Beer Retailer, Albion terrace/../../Post Office Directory

1851/George Simmons/Phoenix tavern, Albion terrace, Milton/../../Post Office Directory

1855/George Simmons sen./../../../Post Office Directory **

1861/George Simmons/Victualler/68/Milton, Kent/Census
1861/Harriett Simmons/Wife/71/Milton, Kent/Census
1861/Emma Spicer/Visitor, Braider/24/Barking, Essex/Census
1861/Robert J Higgins/Pot Man/21/Denton, Kent/Census
1861/Alice gent/Housemaid/16/Shorne, Kent/Census

1862/George Simmons/../../../Post Office Directory

1865/Henry Brown/../../../Hall’s Directory **

1874/Stephen J Hogwood/../../../Post Office Directory

1878/Stephen John Hogwood/../../../Post Office Directory **

1881/Henry Atkins/Licensed Victualler/42/Northburn, Kent/Census
1881/Fanny Atkins/Wife/47/Wainfleet, Lincoln/Census
1881/William Atkins/Son/15/Acton, Middlesex/Census
1881/Francis Atkins/Son, Errand Boy/13/Acton, Middlesex/Census
1881/Fanny Atkins/Daughter/11/Acton, Middlesex/Census
1881/Jane Atkins/Daughter/9/Acton, Middlesex/Census
1881/George Atkins/Son/6/Acton, Middlesex/Census
1881/Thomas Atkins/Son/3/Acton, Middlesex/Census
1881/Benjamin Hyde/Visitor, Gardener/72/Drayton, Buckingham/Census

1882/Philip Smith/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/Philip Smith/../../../Kelly’s Directory of Kent, Surrey & Sussex **

1903/Thomas Raine/../../../Post Office Directory

1913/William Raine/../../../Post Office Directory

1918/Alfred Hy Lock/../../../Post Office Directory

1922/John R Wiltcher/../../../Post Office Directory

John R Wiltcher is at the Darnley Arms by the birth of his son in 1922 *

1930/Charles Rt Wiltcher/../../../Post Office Directory

1938/George Levett/../../../Post Office Directory

* Provided By Ann Claydon

** Provided By Stephen Harris

And Last updated on: Friday, 09-Feb-2024 13:19:29 GMT