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Sevenoaks, Sevenoaks, Tunbridge Wells

Kent Villages, Towns & Public Houses - History, Genealogy & Trade Directories

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Melvilles 1858 Directory of Kent.

Public Houses in Sevenoaks

Traders in 1858 Traders in 1858

Adams, Robert E., surgeon
Allwork, Henry, brewer and cooper, High street
Anquetil, John, nursery and seedsman, High street
Arnold, William, tailor and woollen draper
Arrow, John Thomas, wine and spirit merchant and importer of cigars, London road
Ashdown, George, watch maker and gunsmith, High street
Ashton, John, and Sons,  veterinary surgeons
Austen and Holoroft, solicitors
Baker, John, carpenter, High street
Baker, Uayner, plumber, painter, and glazier, London road
Bartholomew, John, beadle, near the Brewery
Barton, George, corn and seed merchant
Bass, William, chimney sweep, Tub's Hill
Beckley, George, cabinet maker and upholsterer, High street
Beeke, Miss Eliza, grocer, High street
Bennett, George, baker, Market street
Bird, William, grocer, High street
Bligh, Samuel, hop planter and coal merchant, St. Botolph's Farm
Bowen, John Thomas, newspaper agent, agent to the Anchor Fire and Life Office, Travellers' and Marine, London and County, and Cattle Insurance
Bowen, John Thomas, schoolmaster of Lady Boswell's endowed school
Bridge, George, miller, Greatness
Brooks, Eli, watch and clock maker and jeweller, High street
Brown Joseph, boot and shoemaker, High street
Bunn, John, shopkeeper, St. John's hill
Burgess, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, Hartslands
Burton, Bryan, builder and surveyor, the Vine
Carnell and Son, solicitors
Chapman, James, grocer and tea dealer, London road
Chappel, Thomas, grocer and cheesemonger, Market place
Cole, George Calverley, solicitor
Collins, Philip, carpenter, High street
Collins, Miss Eliza, milliner, dress and corset maker, London road
Collins, Henry, horse dealer and farmer, the Vine
Coomber, Samuel, carpenter and undertaker, High street
Coomber, Thomas, farmer, Fig street
Corke, Charles, butcher, High street
Corke, Silas, auctioneer, house, and estate agent, London road
Corke, Isaac, linen draper and silk mercer, High street
Corke, Henry, butcher, High street
Corke, Benjamin, cattle salesman, London road
Covell, John, pork butcher and poulterer, High street
Crampton, Benedictor, milliner and straw bonnet maker, High street
Crampton, James, boot and shoe maker, High street
Crofts, Rev. Christopher, M.A., head master of Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School
Crook, E. E. and G., auctioneers and estate agents
Cronk, William, surveyor
Dadd, Mrs. Eliza, mistress of infant school
Davis, Robert, baker, Hartslands
Dray, William, draper and grocer, High street
Ellis, John, tailor and shopkeeper, High street
Elpick, Mrs. E., milliner and dressmaker, High street
Everest, Misses Mary and Sophia, haberdashers, etc., High street
Faulks, William, builder, High street
Fenner, Amos, woollen draper and tailor, High street
Field, Benjamin, clog and patten maker, Dorset street ,
Fletcher, Joseph, schoolmaster, High street
Flint, Edward, tea dealer and tobacconist, London road
Foreman, Frederick John, fishmonger, High street
Franks, William, ironmonger and hardwareman, High street
Gates, Thomas, glover, London road
George, Thomas, butcher, London road
George, William, bread and. biscuit baker, London road
Granger, James, draper, tailor, and hatter, High street
Green, Philip, farmer, Bradbourne
Grover, Daniel and James, builders, St. John's hill
Grover, Miss Ann, grocer, Hartslands
Grover, Daniel C., jun., mason
Guest, Edward, shoeing and jobbing smith, High street
Gunter, Richard, Dorset Arms, London road
Hancock, Thomas, plumber and gas fitter, High street
Harris, John, watch and clock manufacturer, High street
Harris, Anthony, Bricklayers' Arms Inn and Commercial House, High street
Harrison, George Wade, printer and bookseller, and distributor of stamps, High street
Hatfield, Mrs. M. A., fancy repository, High street
Hearnden, Mrs. Ann, lodging house keeper, High street
Henderson, James, stone mason, London road
Hilder, Henry, greengrocer, High street
Hilder, Miss, Martha, milliner and dressmaker, Bank place
Hilder, Miss Harriet, straw bonnet maker
Hilder, William, tailor, Black Boy lane
Hill, Philip, Rose and Crown Hotel, and wine and spirit merchant, High street
Hill, Thomas, grocer and provision merchant, High street
Hills, Henry, tailor, High street
Hills, George, beer retailer, St. John's hill
Hills, Samuel Thomas, postmaster, High street
Hoare, Richard, whitesmith
Hooker, Thomas, sen., tailor, High street
Hooper, George Marshall, antiquarian,; High street
Hooper, Charles, fruiterer and market gardener .
How, George, builder, High street
How, Thomas, china, glass, and earthenware warehouse, High street
How, Stephen, grocer, High street
Humphrey, Thomas, blacksmith, High street
Hunt, William, shopkeeper, Shambles
Idenden, Thomas, grocer and cheesemonger, Marketplace
Jeffery, Sidney, saddler and harness maker, High street
Jenks, Isaac, beer retailer and carpenter, Hartslands  - Compasses
Jenner, Miss Harriet, establishment for young ladies, St. Botolph House
Jennings, Mrs. Elizabeth, butcher, High street
Jessup, Matthew, bread and biscuit baker, High street
Jessup, William, greengrocer, High street
Jones, Robert, land steward, Knoll Park
Keeys, George, confectioner and corn dealer, London road
Keeys, Richard, butcher, Hartslands
Kelson and Franks, surgeons, High street
Kemp, Mrs. Sarah, beer retailer, High street
Kennard, Jonathan, carcase butcher
Kennard, John Farmer, pork butcher
Kennard, Joseph, butcher
Kennard, John Farmer, provision merchant, High street
Killick, Philip, boot and shoe maker, London road
Knight, William, artist
Knott, Charles, miller
Lebas, George, Black Boy Inn
Lebas, Robert, Greyhound, beer retailer, St. John's hill
Lisney, Mrs. Sarah, carrier to Maidstone and London, Hartslands
Loveland, John, leather seller, London road
Luckhurst, Daniel, boot and shoe maker, High street
Malyon, Richard, Bat and Ball
Marchant, George, general draper and clothier, High street
Marsh, William Munns, dispensing chemist, High street
Martin, Charles, jun., broker, High street
Martin, Charles, sen., cabinet maker and upholsterer, High street
Martin, Mrs. and Miss, establishment for young ladies, Suffolk place
M'Crouzier, Henry, veterinary surgeon, High street
Miller, John, the Crown Tap, London road
Mills, Thomas, farmer and grazier, and actuary of Savings' Bank, Bradbourne Vale
Moore, Joseph, millwright and .engineer, London road
Morgan, Jeffrey, bricklayer
Morgan, William,, boot and shoe maker, High street
Morgan, William, pianoforte tuner, High street
Neal, Henry, grocer and cheesemonger
Newington, John, steward to Colonel Austen, Britain's Farm
Nye, Richard, farmer, Hall's Green
Orchard, Mrs. Maria, confectioner, High street
Outram, James, shoemaker, High street
Palmer, John, artificial manure merchant; agent to the Minerva Life Office and to the County Fire Office
Palmer and Young, drapers
Parker, Miss Harriet, fancy goods repository, High street
Parker, Joseph, draper, grocer, and tea dealer, High street
Parris, Thomas, baker and corn chandler, High street
Pawley, William, Royal Crown Hotel, High street
Pawley, Edward, sen., farmer, Black Hall
Pawson, Samuel, brazier and coppersmith, High street
Payne, Henry, boot and shoe maker, High street
Pereira, Joseph, grocer, High street
Pett, Abraham, basket maker, opposite the County Court
Pett, Amos, basket maker, High street
Philpot, Richard Newing, stationer and fancy repository, High street
Poole, John, Royal Oak Tap
Poulter, James, fishmonger and poulterer, High street
Pryer, Alfred, coach and cart wheelwright, near the Vine
Pugh, William, draper and clothier, High street, and at Westerham
Pulley, Thomas, licensed to let horses, High street
Pulley, Thomas, carrier and coal merchant, the Vine
Quinnell, Enoch, carrier to Maidstone and London
Randall, George, wheelwright, High street
Reeves, Miss E. H., milliner and straw bonnet manufacturer, High street
Reynolds, James, butcher, High street
Reynolds, Miss Harriet, straw bonnet manufacturer
Reynolds, James, shopkeeper, near the Vine
Richardson, Sarah Ann, Infant School, High street ,
Richardson, John, lodging house keeper, High street
Ring, William, farmer
Ring, William, baker and corn dealer, High street
Rumbold, George, grocer, London road
Saunders, William A., pianoforte tuner, High street
Seabrook, William, beer retailer, London road - Anchor
Seale, Mrs. Eliza, dealer in garden seeds, High street
Seale, William, nursery and seedsman, the Vine
Selby, John Allen, farmer, Greatness
Sells, Jonathan, cricket bat maker and turner, St. John's hill
Sewell, Thomas, the Chequers, High street
Seymour, William, news agent, High street
Sharvill, Stephen, shoemaker, Dorset square, or Shambles
Shepherd, John, omnibus proprietor
Shewen, John, hop planter
Shewen, John, ironmonger
Simmons, James, coach builder, London road
Simmons, John, coach builder, High street
Skinner, John, fruiterer and china dealer, High street
Smith, James and Henry, brewers
Smith, Frederick Henry, brewer, High street
Smither, Thomas, shoemaker
Stamford, the Misses, milliners and dressmakers, London road
Stanger, James, carver, gilder, and paperhanger, London road
Stannard, James, plumber, glazier, and painter, London road, and at Chipstead
Steer, John, general draper and furniture warehouse, Bank place
Stenning, Thomas, shopkeeper, St. John's hill
Stevenson, Joseph, hair dresser, High street
Stokes, George, cabinet maker and upholsterer, High street
Summerfield, Miss, establishment for young ladies, High street
Sutton, Mrs. E. M., tea dealer and cheesemonger, St. John's hill :
Sutton, Thomas Saunders, Royal Oak Hotel and Posting House
Sutton, Thomas, stationer and fancy repository, High street
Sutton, William, tailor
Thompson, George, boot and shoe maker, London road
Tinley, Henry, beer retailer and marine store dealer, Tubb's Hill
Turnbull, Patrick, land steward
Turner, James, mealman, High street
Turner, George, beer retailer, the Vine
Twort, Thomas Hook, farmer, Pork Farm
Venua, F. Eugene, professor of music and dancing, High street
Vincer, Edward, chemist and druggist
Welsh, William, upholsterer and appraiser, High street
Whibley, James Wilds, farmer
Whitehead and Son, watch and clock makers, near the Vine .
Wicking, William, boot and shoe maker, London road
Wigzell, Mrs. Fanny, tea dealer and tobacconist, High street
Wilson, James Fox, Vine House Academy
Winter, Richard, shopkeeper, London road
Winter, Richard, saddler and harness maker, High street
Woodhams, Thomas, hair dresser, London road
Worley, James, baker, St. John's hill
Wynn, Charles, parish clerk, High street
And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 14:10:02 BST