London 1746 Rocques map

Rimrose, 171 Rimrose road, Bootle, Lancashire

Liverpool pub history index R

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Liverpool, Lancashire.

Residents at this address

Liverpool Albion. 30 April 1849
Rimrose Hotel, Rimrose Road, Bootle, Conducted by the Misses Orme.
Mary and Hannah Orme beg respectfully to announce to their friemds and Patrons, and see the Public generally that through the kindness of friends they have been enabled to take possession of the above named celebrated Marine Hotel, of which they have long had the active management.
The Hotel is situated about four miles from the Liverpool Exchange, has an extensive frontage to the River Mersey, and commands from the sitting rooms and Lawn an unbounded prospect of Cheshire Coast and the Northern Welsh Hills generally, and even during fine weather and with a Telescope of moderate power, the Isle of Man is visible. The access to Liverpool is cheap and easy, there being omnibuses to and from thence, passing the carriage drive, almost every quarter of an hour.
The Sitting rooms, for parties making choice of the house as a residence during the summer months, either for the benefit of health or the pleasure of the extensive prospect, are fitted with every attention to comfort.
Residents in Liverpool, fond of the healthy Old English Game of Bowls, will find the Bowling Green, which is situated in the rear of the house, in point of arrangement and condition, second to none about Liverpool.
And finally, the Misses Orme would say that their cellars have been re-stocked with Wines and Licquors of the best quality; that the Scale of Charges has been remodelled and reduced where practicable, and very possible arrangement made for due attention to the welfare and convenience of these kind friends who may honour them with patronage and respect.

Liverpool Mail, 08 June 1850
Rimrose Hotel and Tap, Bootle.
On Friday, the 28th instant, at Rimrose Hotel, Bootle.
All that Piece or Parcel of Land, situate in the township of Bootle-cum-Linacre, in the county of Lamcaster, and on the Eastern shore of the River Mersey, with the HOTEL, commonly called and known by the name of the Rimrose Hotel erected thereon, and together with the Stables, Coach-house, and other Buildings belonging or appertaining thereto; which said plot of land contains to the front of and along the strand or shore of the River Mersey 64 yards, and in width at the back 65 yards and 18 inches, and running in depth backwards on the north side 175 yards and on the south side 177 yards, and contains in the whole 11,421 superficial square yards, and is now in the occupation of the Misses Mary Orme and Hannah Orme as yearly tenants.
These Premises and Leasehold under the the Earl of Derby for the term of xseventy five years, from the 25th March 1841, and are subject to a ground rent of £46.
And also that Piece or Parcel of Land, tgether with the Messuage or Dwelling house and Tavern called the Rimrose Tap, thereon erected, situate on the west side of Derby road, in the said township of Bootle-cum-Linacre, conating in front to the said road 65 yards and 18 inches etc.

In 1851, Mary Orme is at Rimrose Hotel Bootle, Bootle cum Linacre
Mary Orme, Hotel keeper, aged 30 and born in Bootle, Lancashire
Hannah Orme, Hotel keeper, aged 28 and born in Bootle, Lancashire
James Orme, Father, Living with daughter, aged 53 and born in Linacre, Lancashire
Mary Orme, Mother, Living with daughter, aged 49 and born in Devon
Joseph Orme, Brother, aged 22 and born in Bootle, Lancashire
George H Orme, Brother, Timber broker apprentice, aged 19 and born in Bootle, Lancashire
Elizabeth Orme, Sister, aged 17 and born in Bootle, Lancashire
Sarah L Orme, Sister, aged 8 and born in Bootle, Lancashire
Ann Stirland, Barmaid, aged 26 and born in Ripley, Derbyshire
Ellen Hobart, Waiteress, aged 28 and born in Ireland
Maria Thrope, Chambermaid, aged 40 and born in Manley, Yorkshire
Ann Lloyd, Laundress, aged 38 and born in Newtown, Welshpool
Sarah Owen, Kitchenmaid, aged 24 and born in Wales
Mary Roberts, Kitchenmaid, aged 22 and born in Cheshire

In 1861, Mary Orme is at the Saddle Hotel, 67 Dale Street, Liverpool, Lancashire,
1860, Francis Casson, Linacre marsh — Rimrose Hotel

1894, James Milne, Rimrose hotel, 169 Rimrose road, Bootle

1900, William Strefford, Rimrose, 171 Rimrose road, Bootle, W

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 09:33:11 BST