Manchester Beer Retailers in 1911 Slaters directory -  G

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Manchester, Lancashire. The Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Manchester, Lancashire listing uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.

Lancashire & Manchester pub history 1911 index

Gadd William, 5 Barlow street, Collyhurst Road
Gaffey Ernest, 25 Charles st, Chorlton on Medlock
Gahan Mrs. Catherine, 19 Irwell street, Gartside street
Galley James, 470 and 472 Ashton Old Road, 0
Galley Joseph, 1 and 3 Napier street, A
Garbett Mrs. Lucy Ann, 1 Rumford street, Chorlton on Medlock
Garbutt James, 16 Abbey Hey lane Higher 0
Gardner Charles, 27 Pinder street, H
Garrity Peter, 78 Carruthers street, Ancoats
Garthwaite Tom, 32 Cambridge street, Chorlton on Medlock
Garton Mrs. Annie, 52 Bristol street, H
Gaskell Henry, 105 and 107 Cheltenham street, Collyhurst at
Gatty Mrs Emily Ann, 76 Hulton street, S
Gaynor Mrs. Maria, 12 William street, S
Gee Henry, 27 West Craven street, Regent Road S
George James, 38 & 40 street, Andrew's street, Ancoats
George Mrs. Mary Jane, 14 & 16 Alexandra street, Rochdale Road
Gerkin Miss Catherine, 116 Slater street, Oldham Road
Gerrard Thomas, 32 Moss lane West
Getliffe Harry Albert, 1 Everard street, S
Getliffe Samuel Birtles, 11 Taylorson street, S
Gibbons Thomas, 1 Style street
Gibson James, 1 Tyler street, S
Gilder,. James, 9 Renshaw street, H
Gill John, 62 Port street, Dale street
Gill Mrs. Sarah, 19 Portugal street, East, Anecrats
Gillott Joseph, 45 York street, Chorlton on Medlock
Gilmore James, 61 Waterloo street, L C
Gleave James, 36 Church street, Bradford
Gleaves Thomas, 75 Woodward street
Glover James, 33 Lorn street, H
Glover William, 8 Bentinck street, H
Glynn Charles, 25 Wade street, Queens Road M P
Glynn Edward, 139 Ridgway street, Ancoats
Glynn Michael, 61 George street
Goacher Mrs. Annie, 15 Garden street, L B
Goddard James, 2 North George street, S
Golley Robert, 250 and 252 Ashton Old Road, 0
Goodhead Miss Emily, 116 Hulton street, S
Goodwin Alfred, 14 Chapel street, Lev
Goodwin Chas 60 Chester street H & 40 Duke street, H
Gorton Henry Edward, 39 Alexandra Road M S
Gough Joseph, 31 Union street, Chorlton on Medlock
Goulder Mrs. Elizabeth, 34 Medlock street, H
Gouldin Mrs. Annie, 33 Derby street, S
Graham Mrs. Ruth, 3 Stockport Road Lev
Grant Benjamin, 11 Bexley square S
Grant William, 58 & 60 Hr. Ormond street, Chorlton on Medlock
Grantham John, 70 and 72 Clarendon street, H
Graves Ephraim James, Mitre wine bar, 63 Stretford Road H.
Graves William Thomas C. Albert Hotel, 31 & 33 Lower Mosley at
Grayson James, 2 Devon street, Beswick
Grayson James, 47 Haddon street, Beswick
Graystock Mrs. Elizabeth, 4 Lester street, S
Greaves Harry, 9 Birch street, W G
Green Mrs. Charlotte Elizabeth, 2 Birch street, A
Green Mrs. Harriett, 28 Apsley grove, A
Green James, 124 Monsall street, M P
Greenhalgh Joseph, 28 Phoebe street, S
Greenhalgh Samuel, 208 Oldham Road N H
Greenhalgh 'Thomas, 6 Hankinsron street P
Greenwood Mrs Elizabeth, 227 Belle Vue street, WG
Greenwood James, 21 Cross lane S
Greenwood James W.12 and l4 Gibbon street, Ancoats
Greenwood William H. 126 York street, H
Gregory William, 30 street, John's Road
Gregson Tom Ward, 185 Oldfield Road S
Gresty Timothy, 4 Dorset street, H
Griffin Christopaer, 214 Hyde Road A.
Griffin Edward, 67 Little Lever street
Griffiths Geo. Jsph. 32 & 34 Blackley New Road B
Grimshaw Charles Henry, 104 Medlock street H
Grimshaw Harry a. 93 & 95 Collyhurst street, Rochdale Road
Grimshaw William, 15 and 17 Red Lion street, Church street
Grimshaw William H. 33 Elton street, Chorlton on Medlock
Grindrod James, 5 Oak street. N H
Grindrod John William, 516 Stockport Road L
Grundy Mrs. Elizabath Clara, 7 Bombay street, Bury street, S
Grundy James, 26 Oldfield Road S
Gudgeon Thomas, 52 Chester street, H
Guildford Francis, 221 and 223 Robert Hall street, S
Gunby John Thomas, 12 Wood street, 0

And Last updated on: Tuesday, 05-Mar-2024 11:57:54 GMT