Public Houses, Hotels, Inns & Taverns of Manchester, Lancashire in 1911

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Manchester, Lancashire.

Lancashire & Manchester pub history index

The 1911 census is very useful in researching pub history, but also massive. Every page added is linked to one address, and takes a considerable amount of time to research. The 1911 census also includes a summary of the census, it is a simple list of addresses, and the head of household; it is incredibly useful (sometimes) in that it often names the beer houses.

Here are a most entries for Manchester, listed by area and district. I should point out that these are summaries, and transcribed at a speed. If you want to query the results, it is best that you research the area yourself.

Ancoats (Districts 1 to 26). Ardwick & Bradford

Central - Districts 1 to 4 ; Central - Districts 5 to 10 ; Central - Districts 11 to 16

Chorlton on Medlock Districts 20 & 63 & Newton Heath Districts 1 & 20

St George Districts 1 - 9 ; St George Districts 10 - 20 ; Districts 21 - 36

South Manchester : Chorlton upon Medlock ;  Hulme Districts 1 - 30 ; Hulme District 31 - 67

Next some named pubs (534) in 1911 ; plus hotels (95)


And some beer retailers (1700) from the 1911 Slaters directory listed alphabetically

A Ba Br C D E F G Ha Hi IJ K L M N O P R Sa Sm T UV W Wh Y


And Last updated on: Tuesday, 05-Mar-2024 11:57:54 GMT