Bricklayers Arms, Whitehill Road, Crowborough, East Sussex TN6 1JA

Crowborough pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Crowborough, Sussex .

Residents at this address.

1911/George J Mackellow/Beer Retailer/41/Crowborough, Sussex/Census
1911/Frances Mackellow/Wife/37/Buxted, Sussex/Census
1911/Frank C Mackellow/Son, Bricklayer/16/Crowborough, Sussex/Census
1911/Ethel H Mackellow/Daughter/12/Crowborough, Sussex/Census
1911/Flora B Mackellow/Daughter/10/Crowborough, Sussex/Census
1911/George E Mackellow/Son/9/Crowborough, Sussex/Census
1911/Doris W Mackellow/Daughter/6/Crowborough, Sussex/Census
1911/Gladys V Mackellow/Daughter/4/Crowborough, Sussex/Census
1911/Ernest V Mackellow/Son/3/Crowborough, Sussex/Census
1911/Harry Tester/Brother, Labourer/47/Buxted, Sussex/Census

1918/Arthur W Roberts/Beer Retailer/../../Post Office Directory

1930/Arthur W Roberts/Beer Retailer/../../Post Office Directory

1938/Mrs Annie Roberts/../../../Post Office Directory

Shepton Mallet Journal 15 January 1965
The day she met the King
Congratulations to the grand old lady of the licensing trade, Mrs C A Compton of the Wine Vaults, High street, Shepton Mallet, who celebrated her 85th birthday on Sunday.
It was perhaps natural since she was going to pend a life time in the licensing and catering trade that she should be born in a pub, the Bricklayers Arms, Crowborough, Sussex.
The Bricklayers Arms was built by her father, who was the licensee, the late Mr Frederick Novis.
Mrs Compton went to live with an aunt in Brighton after her parents died and later entered the licensing trade as a barmaid in Brighton, later going to London.
In 1901 she married Mr William John Compton at Ashwick Parish church and she and her husband were connected with some 15 licensed houses in all parts of London, although never in the East End area. Mr Compton died 14 years ago.
Mrs Compton has a wonderful memory for her age and when I called to see her she related happenings in London years ago, as though they were episodes of last week.
"I can remember when beer was twopence a pint and for the same amount you could buy a packet of cigarettes, or a tot of whiskey". During the war years the family were bombed out of the Magnet in the Old Kent road.
It was at this time of the blitz that Mrs Compton met the late King George VI and Sir Winston Churchill.
Her son, Mr Fred Compton, who is at present licence holder of the Wine Vaults, was in the Metropolitan Police at the time and he told his mother the King was com ing up the road by car.
"I went across the road and spoke to the King about the war," saud Mrs Compton.
Later she saw a man walking ahead of some people and he was smoking a cigar, It turnes out to be Sir Winston Churchill.
She spoke to him of the bombing the previous night before he continued inspecting the blitz damage.
"Ever since then I have always written to Sir Winston on his birthday and he has duly acknowledged my greetings, " she said. From being bombed out in London the comptons came to Somerset in 1941 and Mrs Compton's daughter, Rita held the licence of the Bell Hotel in the Market place.
Then they moved to the Plough near Bridgwater where Fred had the licence, later returning to Shepton Mallet to the Vaults. Mrs Compton ws one of the first organisers of the Women's Auxiliary Trade Protection League.

2018, The Bricklayers Arms, Whitehill Road, Crowborough, East Sussex TN6 1JA

And Last updated on: Friday, 09-Feb-2024 13:03:43 GMT