Sheffield - West Brightside 1911 pub history census summary

Sheffield pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Sheffield, Yorkshire. The Sheffield, Yorkshire listing uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.

Sheffield - West Brightside 1911 pub history census summary

West Brightside

Dis 1
47 Spital Hill, Lodge Inn, Mrs Davy
5 Spital Street, PH, Webster - Griffin Inn
110 Brunswick Road, PH, Beevers - Merry Heart

Dis 2
155 Marcus Street, Sportsman Inn, Hazlehurst
2 Osborne Street, Ball Inn, Foster
58 Fitzalan Street, Fitzalan Tavern, Matthews

Dis 3
10 Montfort Street, New Inn, Parkinson
46 & 48 Verdon Street, PH, Watson - Albion
19 Verdon Street, PH, See 80 Spital Street
80 Spital Street, Cromwell View, Bashforth
54 Nottingham Street, Grocer Shop & Beer Off, Bray

Dis 4
50 Montfort Street, Brunswick House, Gallagher
81 Brunswick Road, Vine Hotel, Greaves
103 Brunswick Road, Shropshire House, Uninhabited

Dis 5, 6
1 Cranworth Road, Grocer Shop & Beer Off, Morley

Dis 7
175 & 181 Nursery Street, Bridge Inn, Wileman

Dis 8
3-5 Grimesthorpe Road, PH, Hart

Dis 9
61 Grimesthorpe Road, PH, Edwards
49 Danville Street, PH & Grocer, Bashforth

Dis 10
123 Grimesthorpe Road, Normanton Hotel, Norton

Dis 11, 12, 13, 14
1 Mowbray Street, Publican, Furniss - Brown Cow
5 Bridgehouses, PH, Wall
48 Mowbray Street, Publican, White - Adelaide Tavern
64 Mowbray Street, PH, Oates - Norfolk Hotel
47 Ball Street, PH, Wood - Cardigan Tavern
42 Pitsmoor Road, Beerhouse, Rodgers - Rock Inn
8 Pitsmoor Road, PH, Goulding - Ball
2 & 4 Percy Street, PH, Howson - Woolpack
1 Neepsend Lane, PH, Lucas - Sawmaker's Arms
66 & 68 Percy Street, Grocer & Beer Retailer, Oxspring
51 Harvest Lane, Beershop, Wragg
33 Burton Road, PH, Adamson - Malton Hotel
72 Burton Road, Grocer & Beer Off, Mullins

Dis 15
170 Harvest Lane, PH, Sanderson - Stag
34 Harvest Lane, PH, Gration - Old Harrow
28 Harvest Lane, PH, Ashley
94 Harvest Lane, PH, Holey - New Inn
90 Harvest Lane, PH, Bruce - Retford Arms
52a Apple Street, PH, Stillings
114 Harvest Lane, PH, Carey - Scissorsmith's Arms

Dis 16
12 Bardwell Road, Prince of Wales, Rodgers
2 Platt Street, PH, Marsh - Wheatsheaf
103 Neepsend Lane, Gardeners Rest, Broadhead
114 Neepsend Lane, Crown Inn, Miss Samson
3 Rutland Road, Rutland Hotel, Furniss

Dis 17
144 Neepsend Lane, PH, Johnson - Neepsend Tavern
248 Neepsend Lane, PH, Kipling - Victoria Gardens
376 Neepsend Lane, PH, Foster - lots of names

Dis 18, 19
209-211 Douglas Road, PH, Pinder - Douglas Inn

Dis 20
48 Rutland Street, Forest Hotel, Grafton
16 Douglas Road, Parkwood Hotel, McGowan
20 Douglas Road, Reindeer Hotel, Clarke
108 Woodside Lane, Birley Hotel, Harrison
54 Woodside Lane, White Lion, Hague

Dis 21
158 Woodside Lane, Woodman Inn, Lee
123 Woodside Lane, Woodside Tavern, Walker
195 Fowler Street, Bridgefield House, Taylor
78 Macro Street, Wellington Inn, Billcliffe

Dis 22
36 & 38 Fowler Street, Beerhouse, Oliver
10 Fowler Street, Beerhouse, Goodwin - Manvers Arms
2 Fowler Street, Beerhouse, Osler - Locomotive
85 Pitsmoor Road, Beerhouse, Pigott

Dis 23
133 Pitsmoor Road, Marshall Tavern, Winwood
49 & 51 Grove Street, Grove Hotel, Parker
39 & 41 Marshall Street, Marshall Ville Hotel, Mellars
37 Haywood Road, Fowler Hotel, Grayson

Dis 24
174 Pitsmoor Road, Fox & Duck Inn, Rodgers

Dis 25
408 Pitsmoor Road, Gate Inn, Coldwell
488 Pitsmoor Road, Pitsmoor Hotel, Bedford

Dis 26
241 Barnsley Road, Sportsman, Naylor
463 Pitsmoor Road, Bay Horse, Ratherham

Dis 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
127 Page Hall Road, Firth Park Hotel, Watts

Dis 32, 33, 34, 35
Sheffield Lane, Pheasant Inn, Webb
Bellhouse Road, Horse Shoe Inn, Beet

And Last updated on: Tuesday, 05-Mar-2024 12:03:17 GMT