Public Houses, Inns & Taverns of Sheffield, Yorkshire - K

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Sheffield, Yorkshire.

Sheffield index

Premises Pic? Text?
Kelvin Grove, 227 & 229 Infirmary Road, Sheffield, Yorkshire No Yes
King and Miller Inn, Deepcar, Sheffield, Yorkshire No Yes
King and Miller Inn, 16 Norfolk Street, Sheffield, Yorkshire No Yes
King and Miller, 62 Trafalgar Street & 1 Chester Street, Sheffield, Yorkshire No Yes
King William, 1 Alma Street, Sheffield, Yorkshire No Yes
King William III, 5 Holly Street, Sheffield, Yorkshire No Yes
Kings Arms, 4 Commercial Street, Sheffield, Yorkshire No Yes
Kings Arms, 17 Fargate, Sheffield, Yorkshire No Yes
Kings Arms, 2 Haymarket, h4y67ytSheffield, Yorkshire No Yes
Kings Arms, 51 Hollis Croft, Sheffield, Yorkshire No Yes
Kings Head, 709 Attercliffe Road, Sheffield, Yorkshire No Yes
Kings Head, 29 Canning Street, Sheffield, Yorkshire No Yes
Kings Head, 95 Dunlop Street, Sheffield, Yorkshire No Yes
Kings Head, High Street & Change Alley, Sheffield, Yorkshire No Yes
Kings Head, Manchester Road, Sheffield, Yorkshire No Yes
Kings Head, 63 Poole Road, Darnall, Sheffield, Yorkshire No Yes
Kossuth Tavern, Trippet Lane, Sheffield, Yorkshire No Yes
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