Public Houses, Inns & Taverns of Maryport, Cumberland

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Cumberland. The Cumberland listing uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.

The census of Maryport is listed under Crosscanonby in 1871 and 1881, then at Netherhall in 1901. The Netherhall 1911 census summary

Premises Pic? Text?
Artillery Arms, 11 Catherine Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Bird, King Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Black Lion, 2 Nelson Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Board Inn, 25 King Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Board Vaults, 16 Senhouse Street, Maryport, Cumberland Yes Yes
Braddyll’s Arms, 17 Eaglesfield Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Britannia, King Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Broom Vaults, 70 High Street, Maryport, Cumberland Yes Yes
Brown Cow, Wood Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Butchers Arms, 95 Crosby Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Cross Keys, 29 King Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Crown Inn, Ellenborough, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Crown Inn, 61 Senhouse Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Crown & Anchor, 6 John Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Fishing Smack, East Quay, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Freemasons Arms, 9 King Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Globe, 98 Crosby Street / 36 Wood Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Golden Lion, Senhouse Street, Maryport, Cumberland Yes Yes
Granville Hotel, Station Road, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Grapes Inn, Crosby Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Grapes Inn, 4 Irish Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Hatter’s Arms, John Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Highland Laddie, King Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Hope & Anchor, Glasson, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Hope & Anchor, North Quay, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Jovial Butcher, 67 King Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Kings Arms Inn, 2 King Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Lamb, John Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Lifeboat Inn, 9 Senhouse Street, Maryport, Cumberland Yes Yes
Lion & Lamb, 86 Crosby Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Lord Nelson, Quay, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
New Crown Inn, Bridge Street, South Quay, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Old Brewery, 75 Eaglesfield Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Pheasant Inn, 10 Fleming Square, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Prince Regent Inn, 75 Crosby Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Queens Head, 1 Senhouse Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Rigger’s Arms, Senhouse Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Royal Oak, 27 John Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Sailors Return, 17 King Street, Maryport, Cumberland Yes Yes
Senhouse Arms, 139 Crosby Street / Fleming Square, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Shakespeare, 65 Senhouse Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Ship Inn, Ellenborough, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Ship Inn, 51 High Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Ship Inn, South Quay, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Ship Inn, 4 Senhouse Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Ship Launch, Paper Mill Green, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Sloop Inn, 7 Strand Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Solway Inn, 31 Strand Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Sportsman, Strand Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Star Hotel, 26 John Street & 29 Crosby Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Station Inn, Ellenborough Place, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Sun Inn, 49 Wood Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Swan Inn, 65 Nelson Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Swan Inn, Ellenborough, Maryport, Cumberland Yes Yes
Turks Head, 59 King Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
Victoria Inn, 24 Crosby Street, Maryport, Cumberland No Yes
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