London 1746 Rocques map

Public Houses, Inns & Taverns of Pirbright, Surrey

The 1855 directory lists just John Faggetter, at the White Horse, and he is also a bricklayer

The 1861 census lists John Faggetter as a victualler and builder at Pirbright Village, presumably the White Horse (see later note about the White Hart). He is aged 43, and his wife, Sarah is the same age.
They have a number of children, Mary is a servant, and aged 21, Lola is 10, Walter is 9, and Ruth is 8 years old. Also a servant, Joseph Hammond, aged 31, and a Lodging labourer, Benjamin Martin, aged 68. All are born in Pirbright.
Incidentally, in 1867, J Faggeter is at the White Hart in Pirbright, and suggests the name may be incorrect in the earlier directory.

The 1881 census notes the White Hart Inn, and John Oliver Lovelock is the Inn Keeper, aged 33 born Flexford, along with his wife Laura, aged 23 born in Bisley, and his sister Maria Hellen Lovelock, a barmaid, aged 39, born in Worplesdown.

The Cricketers Beer shop is also listed where Thomas William Lilley is a Butcher and Beer seller, aged 28 from Twickenham, midlesex, and his wife Mary Ann, aged 29, born in Kingston.
Their eldest daughter, Mary Ann was born in Richmond, and is 5 years old, the other children are born here, i.e. Louise Shepprell Lilley, aged 4, Thomas William aged 2; and a general servant, Alice Stonard, aged 15.

Also in 1881, the Royal Oak has a Charles Collins, Beer House Keeper.

Finaly in 1881, the Fox Inn has an Edward Dawson,as publican, aged 33 from Woking. His wife Harriett comes from Chiswick, and is older at 45 years of age. They have a son who is 3 years old, and a daughter, Katherine Pullen, who is 20 years old, and born in Guildford
Martha Stevens, aged 91 is grandmother, from Bisley.

In 1901, Emma Sayers is a licensed victualler at the Fox, a widow aged 50 and born in Northamptonshire? Her daughters are born here, i.e. Florence M Sayers, aged 19, and Emily J Tanner, aged 22, and also Elsie E P Tanner, aged 1.

In 1911, we have The Cricketers Beer House, Moore
Royal Oak Beer House, Croucher
White Hart, Goddard
The Fox, Sayers

In 1913, we have Edward Goddard at the White Hart
Mrs Emma Croucher, beer retailer, the Royal Oak
Walter Edwin Liley, at the Fox
Sydney Loader, beer retailer

In 1937, James Keen is at the Cricketers, Pirbright, Woking
Walter Edwin Liley, is at the Fox, in Worplesdon, Guildford
P J Prince, at the Royal Oak Inn, Pirbright, Woking
And Miss Emma Frances Goddard, at the White Hart, Pirbright, Woking

In 2020, the White Hart (formerly Moorhen), is on The Green, Pirbright GU24 0LP
the Cricketers On The Green (formerly Cricketers Inn), The Green, Pirbright GU24 0JT
the Royal Oak, Aldershot Road, Pirbright GU24 0DQ
and Fox Inn, Fox Corner, Worplesdon GU3 3PP

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 14:38:38 BST