Pontefract 1911 pub history census summary

Pontefract pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Pontefract, West Riding, Yorkshire.

Residents at this address

Dis 3, 4
Nags Head, 20 Roper gate, Mrs Hardcastle
Woodman Inn, 26 Horsefair, Jones
Blue Bell, 1 Blue Bell yard, Webster
Golden Ball, 9 Horsefair, Mr Smith
Hartleys Inn, 9 Horsefair, Taylor - Gundhills yard??
Muscroft Ltd PH, 5 Market place, Barber
Elephant, 13 Market place, Pepper
Black Boy, 18 Market place, Jepson
Turks Head, 16 Gillygate, Bassindale
Pine Apple, 20 Gillygate, Spink
Horse VaultsHorse Vaults, 1 Horsefair, Davies

Dis 5
Royal Oak, The Booths, Pease
Fox Inn, South Bailey Gate, Jackson

Dis 6
Golden Lion, Sessions House yard, Heptonstall
Gardeners Arms, Corn Market, Baines?
Old Castle Inn, Micklegate, Building
Dragons Hotel PH, Corn Market, Wilcock - Green Dragon
Blackamoor Head, Corn Market, Walker
Corporation Arms, Salter row, Campy
Windmill Inn, Salter row, Holman
White Hart, Salter row, Webster
Curriers Arms, Shoe Market, Schofield
Cross Keys, Shoe Market, Harrison
Starkies Arms, Middle row, Moorhouse
Mail Coach, Church lane, Ward
Cartners Arms, Shoe Market, Smith
United Kindom, Market place St Giles, Raddings
Red Lion Hotel PH, Market place St Giles, Poyne
Spirit Vaults, Market place, Simpson
Rose & Crown, Finkle street, Booth

Dis 7
PH, Mill Dam, Glover - Railway Hotel
PH, North Bailey gate, Watkinson - Hope & Anchor
Nevison Leap PH, Hampshaw

Dis 9,12
Greyhound Inn, Corn Market, Hiley
Crown & Anchor Hotel PH, Beastfair, Appleyard
Malt Shovel Hotel PH, Beastfair, Walker

Dis 24


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