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Gentry in 1858

Traders in Melvilles 1858 Directory by surname

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Also see St Lawrence

Melvilles 1858 Directory of Kent.

Gentry in 1858

Abbott, the Misses, Sion hill
All cook, Rev. James Wilfred, Catholic Priest, St. Augustine's
Ames, Edward, Esq., Cottage place, West Cliff road
Atkins, Miss Charlotte, Clifton Villa, West Cliff road
Austen, Benjamin, Esq., Augustine Villa, West Cliff road
Austen, Mr. Benjamin, Chapel place
Baildon, Mrs. Isabella, High street
Balten, Mrs. Harriet, Chatham place
Barber, Francis Charles, Esq., 6 Gilling place
Barnes, James, Nelson Crescent
Barnes, Mrs. Fanny, Royal terrace
Bartlett, James, Esq., Spencer square
Bax, Isaac, Esq., Chapel place
Bayley, Mr. William B., II, Royal Kent terrace
Benson, Henry, Esq., West Cliff Lodge
Bevis, Rev. Henry Joseph, Independent, Hardres street
Blackman, William, Esq., Chapel place
Bland, Rev. Dr. Miles, Royal Crescent, West Cliff
Bois, Henry, Esq., Royal terrace
Bolton, Mrs. Elizabeth, Grove House, Addington place
Bossy, Frederick William, Esq., 17, High street
Brennan, James, Esq., Ohartham terrace, West Cliff
Brook, Mrs. Francis, Royal terrace
Brown, Bartholomew, Esq., Chartham terrace, West Cliff
Brown, Mrs. Mary, Gnildford Lawn
Brown, Mr. William, Queen street
Bryan, Edward, Esq., 10, Royal terrace
Burgess, John Oakly, Esq., Mount Albion House
Burgess, George, Esq., Mount Albion
Burgess, George, Esq., Salisbury Villa, the Vale
Caught, Mrs. Susannah, Wellington place
Carless, Mrs. Elizabeth, Ulcomb Lodge, the Vale
Chambers, Mrs., Spencer square
Chandler, Mr., Elgar place
Chapman, Rev. Abel, flardres street
Chenery, Mr. Charles, 2, Cottage place, West Cliff road
Cheesewright, Mrs., Spencer square
Clarke, Thomas, Esq., Royal Crescent, West Cliff
Clark, Miss Mary, Effingham place
Clark, Mrs. Ann, Augusta House, Arklow square
Coll, Francis, Emmeline, Catholic Priest, St. Augustine's
Cooper, Captain, East Cliff House
Corben, Captain James, West Cliff Villa, West Cliff road
Courtney, Mr., Effingham place
Courtney, Mrs. Emma, 8, St. Laurance terrace
Cowell, Miss Sarah, Sion hill
Craven, Mr. James, Hertford place
Crown, Thomas, Esq., Spencer square
Cruckshanks, Miss, Augusta terrace
Culver, Mrs. Mary Ann, Hardres street
Gundy, Miss Mary B., Royal terrace
Cutler, John, Esq., Albion hill
Culling, the Misses, Albion place
Daniel, Martin Long, Esq., 1, Chatham pi.
Daniel, Charles, Esq., High street
Davis, Rev. Thomas Hart, Incumbent of Christ Church, Royal terrace
Day, Miss Charlotte, Chapel place
Doyle, Michael John, M.D., Cavendish Villa, Cavendish street
Dutaillis, Mr. William, Guildford Lawn
Elgar, Mrs. Ann, High street
Elgar, Mr., Elgar place
Elvey, Mr. James, Elgar place
Estridge, Rev. Henry, Royal terrace
Etheridge, Rev. Benjamin C., Baptist, Guildford Lawn
Farley, Mr. Joseph, Mount Pleasant
Feild, Rev. Samuel Hands, Incumbent of Trinity Church, Augusta terrace
Firminger, Edward H. P., Esq., Royal terrace
Foat, Daniel, Royal Kent terrace
Fox, William Michael, Esq., Guildford Lawn
Geneste, Mr. Matthew, Wellington cottages
Gery, Miss Wade Ann, 15, Albion place
Gibson, Mrs., Oscar villa, West Cliff road
Gibson, John H., Minerva Cottage, Addington place
Glass, Mrs. Morton, the Castle
Gold, Miss Ann, King street
Grant, Mr. Job., Meeting street
Green, Mrs. Blanch E., High street
Hall, Mr. Charles Attgusta, Arklow square
Hardy, Miss Sarah, 182, High street
Harvey, Rev. Richard, Vicar of St. George's Church, Chapel place
Hawkins, John, Esq., West Cliff road
Hemmans, Mrs. Emma, Victoria place
Henderson, Dr. Thomas A., Royal Villa, in the Vale
Hinds, Miss Ann W., Cavendish street
Hinds, Mr. George W., Cavendish street
Hingston, John, Esq., Paragon
Hinton, Thomas Lambert, Esq., Albany Lodge, the Vale
Hiscocks, Bedford Z., Albion Lodge
Hitching, Captain Joseph, R.N., Spencer square
Hobdell, Mrs. Emily, Chapel place
Horton, Miss Mary, Belle Vue Lodge, East Cliff
Houghton, Richard, Esq., 137, High street
Huggett, Mrs. Elizabeth, Guildford Lawn
Hurst, Mrs. Mary C., Wellington place
Hurst, Mrs. Sarah Smith, 126, High street
Ive, William, Esq., Woodland Villa, St. Lawrance
Jameson, Mr. George H., 10, Chapel place
Jarman, Captain Stephen, Effingham place
Jarman, Mr. Thomas, Royal Crescent, West Cliff
Jerard, Mr. John, Vale place
Joad, John, Esq., Chapel place
Jones, Thomas, Esq., Clover Lodge
 Kench, Mr. Thomas, Priory Villa, West Cliff road
Kennett, Mrs., 128, High street
King, Mrs. Jane, Guildford Lawn
Kitson, Mrs. Mary, Hamswell House, in the Vale
Knight, Stephen, Esq., Albion place
Ladd, Mrs. Eliza, Wellington terrace
Lake, Lady Dowager, Nelson crescent
Lawrence, Miss Mary, Royal terrace
Lazar, Mr. Stephen, Cavendish street
Lenam, Mr. Edward W., Washington Lodge, High street
Lloyd, Edward, Esq., Augusta terrace
Luck, Alfred, Esq., St. Augustine's, West Cliff
Marshall, Miss Mary S., Chatham street
Marter, Mrs. Ann, Augusta terrace
Mead, Mr. John, Church pla«e
Millor, William, Fsq., La Belle Alliance
Mitchell, Mrs. Eliza, Cavendish street
Molesworth, Rev.Reynold F., Chapel place
Mortlook, Mrs., Royal crescent, West Cliff
Mudford, Mrs. Amelia, Augusta terrace
Myers, Isaac Henry, Jewish Eabbi, Temple cottage
Nazer, Kelly, Esq., Captain R.N., Vale Villa, the Vale
New, Miss Susannah, 127, High street
Nind, Benjamin, Esq., Chapel place
Nixon, Mrs. Lydia Mary, Victoria terrace
Owthwaite, Miss Sarah, Guildford Lawn
Page, Mrs. Sarah Mary, Albion place
Palmer, Mrs. Elizabeth, the Vale
Pemberton, Rev. Dr. Edward R., Eagle Lodge, West Cliff road
Perkins, Mrs. Maria, Thanet House, in the Vale
Perry, Edwin, 4, Cavendish street
Phipps, Mr. Osmond, Effingham place
Plenderleath, Mrs., Nelson crescent
Plenderleath, Major William, Nelson crescent
Powell, Mr. James, 7, Royal Kent terrace
Ranking, Robert, Esq., F.L.S., Claremont, the Vale
Read, Mr. Stephen, Vale place
Read, Mrs. Elizabeth, 2, Gelling place
Reed, William Thomas. Esq., Camden Villa, the Vale
Rix, Mr. Benjamin, Camden square
Robinson, Alexander, R.N., Chapel place
Rymer, James, M.D., Albion hill
Sale, Mrs. Elizabeth, Wellington terrace
Scott, Mrs. Martha, Clover Lodge, Clover hill
Sergent, Rev. William H,, Wesleyan, Hardres street
Sexby, Mr. James, Guildford Lawn
Sharp, Rev. William, Baptist Minister, Mount Zion place
Sheldon, the Misses, Cavendish street
Shepherd, Mrs. Sarah, 1, Vale
Shepperdson, Miss Jane, Effingham place
Simons, James, Esq., Sion hill
Small, William, Esq., High street
Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth, High street
Smith, Mr. Frederick, Efflngham place
Smith, Mrs. Martha, 2, Wellington place
Smith, Mrs. Mary, High street
Smith, Mrs., Guildford Lawn
Snowden, Thomas H.G., Esq., Chapel place
Spain, Thomas, Esq., Milton cottage, West Cliff road
Spiller, Colonel George, Albion hill
Stanhope, Colonel George, Augusta Lodge, Augusta terrace
Stannen, Mrs., Augusta terrace
Stevens, Mr. FrederickW., Guildford Lawn
Stock, Miss Mary Ann, High street
Strong, Mr. Henry, Gilling place
Strong, Mrs. Elizabeth, 12, High street
Thomas, William, Esq., La Belle Alliance
Tomson, Richard, Esq., Chapel place
Tomson, William, sen., Esq., Queen street
Tomson, Mr. Richard, the Elms
Tomson, Mr. William, Guildford Lawn
Tomson, Mrs. Mary, Effingham place
Townley, Charles, Esq., 129, High street
Trevanion, Mrs. Georgiana, Paragon
Tuton, Miss Jane, 2, Vale House, the Vale
Tynmore, Thomas George, Esq., Eden House, the Vale
Walmsley, Richard, Esq., Clanmore House, the Vale
Warren, Major-General George, Royal Crescent, West Cliff
Welbank, Miss Jemina, Prospect row
Wetherhead, Mrs. Eliza, Hearson road
White, Mrs., Clarence Villa, the Vale
Whitehead, Thomas, Esq., High street
Whiting, John, M.D., Hereson road
Williams, Mr., Gilling place
Williams, Miss Harriet, Royal road
Williamson, Henry, Esq., Chartham terrace, West Cliff
Witherden, George, High street
Woodruffe, Mrs sarah, Spencer House, Spencer square
Wotton, Mr. Thomas, 3, Victoria terrace
Young, Mrs. Ellen, Spencer square
And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 14:09:15 BST