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Melvilles 1858 Directory of Kent.Ealden, James, baker and branch
post receiving house, Council House street East, William, Wheat Sheaf, Lady Wells East, Charles, Endeavour, Buckland Bastes, Benjamin, plumber, glazier, and painter, Finnis hill, Limekiln street Eastes, Miss Charlotte, dress and stay maker, Snargate street Erith, Henry, carpenter and joiner, and branch post-office, Town Wall street Elfick, Mrs. Rebecca, apartments, East Cliff Elgar, Richard, butcher, St. James's street Elkington, Henry, chemist, the Medical Hall, 1, King street Elms, Stephen E., confectioner, High street, Charlton Ellinger, John, Flying Horse Inn, King street Ellingford, William, shopkeeper, Woolcomber street Ellis, Thomas H., greengrocer, Bridge street, Charlton Elthem, William, umbrella and parasol maker, Last lane Elvey, Vincent, greengrocer, High street, Charlton Elwin, John, Reynolds, grocer, tea dealer, and cheesemonger, St. James's street Elwin, Edward, solicitor and notary, Castle street Emery, Henry, plumber, glazier, and painter, Town Wall street Emery, Thomas, Sir Sidney Smith, East Cliff Emly, Francis O., day school, St. James's terrace Epps, Leonard, Three Kings, Union street Escalt, William, Good Intent, Queen street Eves, Thomas, the Salutation, Biggin street Evans, Mrs. Harriet, Rifleman, Charlton green Evans, David, apartments, Esplanade Bwell, George, blacksmith, Strond lane Fagg, Kichard, builder and wheelwright, Market street Faith, Thomas, baker and confectioner, Snargate street Farley, Henry Edward, butcher, Queen street Farmer, William, schoolmaster, York street Farrier, John, baker, High street, Charlton Farrier, Edward, Robin Hood, St. James's lane Fasquel, Henry, boot and shoe maker, Snargate street Fedarb, Josiah, photographic artist, Snargate street Fehrenbaoh and Co., watch and clock makers, Snargate street Field, Samuel, confectioner, Athol terrace, East Cliff Field, Mrs. Charlotte T., apartments, East Cliff Figg, John, Cross Keys, Custom House quay Finch, Austin, baker, Church street Finn, George chimney sweeper, Priory street Finnis, Steriker, timber and slate merchant, bookmaker, lime and cement burner, Biggin street, h the Elms, Hougham Fitch, Mrs, Mary, apartments, Custom House quay Flashman, George, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Market place Flashman, William, broker, Last lane Fletcher, Richard, Cinque Port Arms, Clarence place Fletcher, John and William, ironmongers, Biggin street Foord, James, Eagle Tavern, London road, Charlton Forster, Robert, chemist, Castle street Foster, Rebecca, baby linen warehouse, Berlin and fancy repository, Snargate street Forster, John, Prince Albert, Biggin street Fox, John, bookbinder and stationer, Snargate street Fox, Daniel, carver, gilder, and picture frame maker, Commercial quay Fox, Thomas, solicitor and notary public, Castle terrace Fox and Mee, solicitors, Castle terrace Francis, James, Three Compasses, Finnis hill, Limekiln street Fraser, William J., apartments, Castlo place Frazer, William, painter and gilder, Snargate street Freegard, Edwin, boot and shoe maker, Cannon street Freshner, Charles, apartments, Strond lane Friend, James, greengrocer, London road, Charlton. Friend and Company, customs' and Continental agents for Dover and Folkstone, Hawksbury street, agent to Kent Fire and Life Office. Fright, John E., cabinet maker, Worthington lane Fry, George, builder and surveyor, Maison Dieu, agent ,to the Phoenix Fire Office Fryer, Thomas, tailor, Castle street Fry, Mrs Mary An, straw bonnet maker, Trevanion street Fry, Mrs Mary Ann, Star Inn, Church street Fuller, William, Cinque Port Trinity Pilot, Bulwark hill Fuller, Henry, cooper, Yonden's court Fuller, John, grocer and tea dealer, Castle street Fuller, Benjamin, saddler, Buckland |
Galante, Ferdinando, United Club Hotel and bath
establishment, Union street Gammon, Nathaniel, butcher, Last lane Gammon, Miss Susan, milliner and dressmaker, St. James's street Gardner, William, plumber, glazier, and painter, Snargate street Gardner, Thomas, printer, engraver, bookseller, etc., Snargate street Gasson, Kingsly John, egg and brush merchant, Snargate street Gasaon, Stephen, Sailors' Home, Seven Star street Gasson, Mrs. Charlotte, apartments, Terminus cottages, Beach street Gasson, James, pilot, Limekiln street Gates, John Wilson, tailor, High street, Charlton Geach, Mrs. Elizabeth, fancy repository, Snargate street Geale, George, apartments, Sidney Villa, East Cliff Gee, Thomas, baker, Oxenden street George, Alfred, plumber, glazier, and painter, Church street George, William, Walmer Castle and eating house, Market place George, William M., shopkeeper, Military road Gibbons, Jesse, confectioner, and branch post-office, Marine terrace, East Cliff Gibbs, George, butcher Bench street Gidley, George, Mariners Arms, Woolcomber lane Gidley, George, horse letter, East Cliff Gilbert William, lodgings, High street, Charlton Giles, James, Army and Navy, Snargate street Gilfillan, James, tailor, Town Wall street Gilmour and Company, grocers, Snargate street Gill, Daniel, Friend-in-Need beer house, and general dealer, St. Peter street, Charlton Gillman, Charles, butcher, Biggin street Gittins Francis, shopkeeper, Council House street Godden, John, pilot, Limekiln street Golder, John, gardener, Woolcomber street Goldfinch, Thomas, broker, Biggin street Goodhun, Charles, Custom House agent, Council House street GoodifF, Mrs. Ann, baker, Limekiln street Goodin, Castle Smith, baker and confectioner, Elizabeth street Goodman, George, the Albion, East Cliff Gordon, Charles, apartments, Norman street Gosling, William F., grocer, wholesale and retail, Shargate street Grange, James, mason, St. James's lane Grant, Thomas, baker, Oxenden street Grant, William C., apartments, Castle street Grant, Thomas, wine and spirit merchant, Priory place. - Cook, E., agent Grant, Edward, grocer, East Cliff Grant, Edward, boot and shoemaker, Buckland Grant, Captain, coast guard, East Cliff Gravner, George Wright, apartments, Marine place Gravenor, John, shipwright, Council House street Gray, George, pork butcher, Biggin street Green, John, cutler, Snargate street Green, Thomas, Half Moon, Blucher row Green, John, cutler, Snargate street Greenland, William, merchant's clerk, Victoria crescent, Charlton Greenland, Thomas, warehouseman, Snargate street Greenstreet, John James, boot and shoemaker, Snargate street Gregory, Aaron, tailor, hatter, and outfitter, Market place Gregory, James, bricklayer, Town Wall lane Gregory, Mrs. Emma, beer house, Strond street Gregory, Frederick F., draper, Market place Griggs, Robert, post-house master, Council House street Griggs, Miss Elizabeth, apartments, Esplanade Grimes, Andrew, plasterer, St. James's street Groombridge, Edward, King William the Fourth, Biggin street Groombridge, Joseph, grocer and draper, Priory place Groombridge, Edward, Sportsman, nursery and seedsman, Charlton Green Grossman, Alexander J., Geneva watch and clock maker, jeweller, etc., Snargate street Grunwald, William and John, outfitters, Snargate street Gudgeon, Miss Harriet, Bricklayers' Arms, Cannon street Gutsole, John, pilot, Castle street Gutsole, Charles, shoeing smith, Commercial quay |